More than 200 hosts have specially prepared themselves for Via Claudia travellers under the motto "2000 years of hospitality". You can find all Via Claudia hosts in the detailed route descriptions, in the interactive map for planning your trip along the Via Claudia Augusta, in the apps as well as in a list of all hosts from the Danube to the Adriatic or the Po or as a VCard for direct transfer to your address book on your computer or mobile phone (list and Vcards can be downloaded here).
Here you can download the hosts of the Via Claudia Augusta as vCard. The downloaded vCards can easily be transferred to your address book on your computer or mobile phone and you can use them there for planning your trip or during your journey.
Here you can download the host list as PDF in reduced resolution. Below you can also scroll through the host list. The host list is also part of the Via Claudia Augusta's own guides.
Here you can download download the host list as PDF in high resolution. Below you can also scroll through the host list. The host list is also part of the Via Claudia Augusta's guides.