The road trip route

This page introduces the Via Claudia Augusta road trip route  with a profile and a selection of pictures. Experience the roads once used by the Etruscans, Rhaetians, Celts and Romans during your  trip. Alternatively, go on a long-distance hike along the Via Claudia Augusta. It takes several days, but most people can manage. Traveler  from all continents and of all ages between 5 and 93 have jumped at the opportunity to embark on this unique adventure. 

Profile of the road trip route Via Claudia Augusta

In 15 B. C., the Romans followed the paths once established by the Etruscans, Rhaetians and Celts to the north and started expanding them into the first fully fledged road through the Alps. Sixty years later, in 45/46 A. D., the epochal structure was completed and named after the reigning Emperor: ‘The Imperial Road of Claudius’. The trans-European road survived the fall of the Roman Empire. Now, its main purpose was to facilitate trade. Countless people from many countries encountered each other’s cultures along the road. The travel route along the Roman road leads you past picturesque national roads and passes through the Alps, from the Danube to Altino near Venice or Ostiglia on the Po river. On the way, you will see a wide range of landscapes, pretty villages, lively towns and many sights and attractions that the road helped shape. More than 200 accommodation facilities cater to travelers on the Via Claudia Augusta. Some even serve a dish that people already ate 2000 years ago along Europe’s cultural axis. 

2 versions: in Trento, the road forks. The Via Claudia Augusta ‘Altinate’ branch runs to Feltre and terminates in Altino near Venice; the Via Claudia Augusta ‘Padana’ branch runs to Verona and terminates in Ostiglia on the Po river. 
Route: approximately 700 km from Donauwörth on the Bavarian Danube across the Alps to Altino near Venice or 650 km from Donauwörth to Ostiglia on the Po river.
Combining the 2 versions: You can travel both versions, ‘Altinate’ and ‘Padana’ in the south of Trento, on the same trip, either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Route profile: the route mostly runs along picturesque country roads and romantic mountain paths, offering plenty of panoramic views , tours of the lovely towns and villages en route, and many sights.
Travel resources: printed guidebooks, an interactive map for your individual travel planning needs available on this page, apps helping you navigate your individually planned route and offering information on all sights 
Awards: the Via Claudia Augusta is a part of the German leisure road network (Deutsches Ferienstraßennetz) and Gran Tour Europa.

Diesen interaktiven Bereich können Sie nutzen unter:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) / Guidebook / Accommodation on the Via Claudia Augusta /

Luftbild von Goldberg in Donau Ries
Reichsstraße, Donauwörth
Donauspitz, Mündung, Wörnitz, in die Donau, Donauwörth, Via Claudia Augusta, Bayern, Foto Donauwörth
Ehemaliger Standort Submuntorium Burghöfe Druisheim Mertingen Lechtal, Foto Deininger
Augsburg bei Nacht, Maxstraße, Foto Regio Augsburg
Augsburg Rathausplatz, Foto Regio Augsburg, Christine Pemsl
Augsburg Goldener Saal im Rathaus, Foto Regio Augsburg
Historsche Radlergruppe Igling Ammersee, Foto Tschaikner
Landsberg Am Lech, Foto Landsberg
Lorenzberg, Epfach, Denklingen, Foto Tschaikner
Luftbild Altstadt Schongau, Foto Schongau
Bernbeuren Haslacher See Auerbergland, Foto Tschaikner
Der Lech und die berge bei Nacht in Füssen
Radfahrer in Füssen vor den Alpen in Neuschwanstein

Diesen interaktiven Bereich können Sie nutzen unter:

detailed description of the ‘Altinate’ road trip route / detailed description of the ‘Padana’ road trip route /

Blick Vom Vogelbeobachtungsturm in Lechau, Foto Tschaikner
Burgruine Ehrenberg Morgennebel
Radweg Heiterwang Bichlbach Tiroler Zugspitz Arena, Foto Anton Vorauer
Tiroler Zugspitz Arena Panorama
Fernpass Blindsee, Foto Anton Vorauer
Fernsteinsee Schloss Fernpass
Dormitz Nassereith Richtung Fernstein
Kramergasse Imst
Kornburg Imst Schönwies
Schloss Landeck, Foto Albin Niederstrasser
Altfinstermünz Pfunds Nauders Reschenpass, Foto Lammerhuber
Nauders am Reschenpass von Oben, Foto Manuel Baldauf
Tourenradfahrer Tourenradler Vor Heimatmuseum Im Grünes Haus

Diesen interaktiven Bereich können Sie nutzen unter:

detailed description of the ‘Altinate’ road trip route / detailed description of the ‘Padana’ road trip route /

Vinschgau Malser Haide
Vinschgau Schluderns Churburg
Vinschgau Abend Fußgängerzone Schlanders
Vinschgau Kastelbell Radfahrer
Sonnenhang Zwischen Naturns Und Partschins
Marling Berge Äpfel
Burg Lana
Bozen Laubengasse, Foto: Tourismusverein Bozen
Bozen Museion Fassade Brücke
Kaltern Wein See
Mezzolombardo historisches Zentrum aus der Luft
Piana Rotalina von oben
Unterirdisches Tridentum Zotta

Diesen interaktiven Bereich können Sie nutzen unter:

detailed description of the ‘Altinate’ road trip route / detailed description of the ‘Padana’ road trip route /

Alta Valsugana, Laghi Seen
Castello Tesino Via Claudia Augusta
Ponte Romano Lamon
Lamon Chiesa Kirche San Pietro
Vor den Dolomiten Parcon Nazionale Dolomiti
Feltre vor den Alpen
Feltre Piazza Maggiore Rad Bici
Piazza Maggiore
Feltre Area Archeologica Citta Romana
Cesiomaggiore Dal Ovest
Piave Regenstimmung Pieno Di Acqua
Prosecco Weinstraße Veneto Altamarca
Villa Veneta Villorba Veneto
Chiostro Seminario Vescovile Treviso
Castello Di Roncade
Laguna Di Venezia
Canal Grande Chiesa Della Salute E Dogana Dal Ponte Dell Accademiay

Diesen interaktiven Bereich können Sie nutzen unter:

detailed description of the ‘Altinate’ road trip route / detailed description of the ‘Padana’ road trip route /

 Castello Beseno Vallagarina Etschtal Valle Del Adige Trentino
Castello di Castellano Vallagarina Etschtal Valle del Adige Trentino
Panorama Rovereto
Rovereto Foto Trentino
Castello Avio Vallagarina Trentino
Dino Spuren Wand
Rivoli Veronese Verona Monte Bald
Rivoli Veronese Forte Wohlgemuth
Fumane Villa Della Torre Cazzola
Olivi In Valpolicella
Pieve San Giorgio Grande
Ponte Pietra Romana Verona
Sonnenuntergang über Arena
Isola Della Scala
Villafranca Castello Poebene Pianura
Po Ostiglia Lombardia Mantova
Ostiglia Stadt Lombardia Mantova

Diesen interaktiven Bereich können Sie nutzen unter:

detailed description of the ‘Altinate’ road trip route / detailed description of the ‘Padana’ road trip route /

Diesen interaktiven Bereich können Sie nutzen unter:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) / Guidebook / Accommodation on the Via Claudia Augusta /

On this map, the historical route, the road trip route and all other content have been pre-selected. You can see all pre-selected content by zooming in on the map. To select content individually or plan a road trip, click the orange bar underneath this text.

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Full-screen map for individual browsing and travel planning /

Via Claudia Augusta / +43 664 27 63 555 /