All presentations of the
1st Architecture Symposium
Via Claudia Augusta
as Youtube videos

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01 Walter Stefan
"Via Claudia Augusta in Fliess"

Walter Stefan (Via Claudia Augusta); Via Claudia Augusta in Fliess / Via Claudia Augusta a Fliess / Via Claudia Augusta in Fliess; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

02/10 Johannes Pöll
"Frühe Siedlungsspuren in Fließ"

Johannes Pöll (Bundesdenkmalamt / Ufficio federale dei monumenti / Federal Monuments Office); Frühe Siedlungsspuren in Fließ / Primi insediamenti a Fliess / Early settlement in Fliess; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

03/10 Rainer Köberl
"Das Fließer Gemeindezentrum"

Rainer Köberl (Architekt und Universitäts-Dozent / Architetto e docente universitario / Architect and university lecturer); Das Fließer Gemeindezentrum / Il centro comunitario di Fliess / The Community Center of Fliess; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

04/10 Hans Peter Bock
"Erfahrungen mit Wettbewerben"

Hans Peter Bock (Altbürgemeister Fliess / Ex-Sindaco Fliess / former mayo of Fliess); Erfahrungen mit Wettbewerben / Esperienza con i concorsi / Experience with competitions; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

05/10 Andreas Marth
"Wettbewerb Gemeindezentrum"

Andreas Marth (Architekt und Teamleader der Planer der Fliesser Gemeindezentren / Architetto e team leader dei progettisti dei centri comunitari Fliess / Architect and team leader of the planners of the Fliess community centers); Wettbewerb Gemeindezentrum / Concorso centro comunitario / Competition community center; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

06/10 Arno Ritter
"27 Jahre Architektur"

Arno Ritter (Architektur und Tirol, Kommissär Architektur-Biennale Venedig 2012 / Architettura e Tirolo, Commissario Biennale Architettura Venezia 2012 / Architecture and Tyrol, Commissioner Architecture Biennale Venice 2012); 27 Jahre Tiroler Architektur / 27 anni architettura tirolese / 27 years Tyrolean architecture; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

07/10 Harald Kröpfl
"Bewahren von Substanz"

Harald Kröpfl (Architekt / Architetto / Architect); Bewahren von Substanz / Conservazione della sostanza / Preservation of substance; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

08/10 Armando Ruinelli
"Respektvoll mit Bestand umgehen"

Armando Ruinelli (Schweizer Architekt und Dozent / Architetto e docente svizzero / Swiss architect and lecturer); Respektvoll mit Bestand umgehen / Rispettoso di ciò che esiste / Respectful with the existing; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

09/10 Jürgen Conzett
"Ingenieure und Raumplanung"

Jürgen Conzett (Bau-Ingenieur und einer der bedeutendsten Brückenbauer in der Schweiz / Ingegnere civile e uno dei più importanti costruttori di ponti in Svizzera / Civil engineer and one of the most important bridge builders in Switzerland); Ingenieure und Raumplanung / Ingegneri e pianificazione territoriale / Engineering and spatial planning; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

10/10 Diana Ortner
"Die Tiroler Dorfentwicklung"

Diana Ortner (Dorferneuerung Land Tirol / Rinnovamento dei villaggi Tirolo / Village renewal Tyrol); Die Tiroler Dorfentwicklung / Sviluppo dei villaggi tirolesi / Tyrolean village development; SYMPOSIUM VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA ARCHITECTURE; Fliess 2023 LOCUM ANNI VIA CLAUDIA AUGUSTA

News Via Claudia Augusta

Sponsors & partners

  • Interreg Italia-Österreich - European Union
  • Gal Prealpi e Dolomiti
  • ???
  • VIA Claudia Augusta
  • Tirol - Unser Land