Via Claudia Augusta

Via Claudia Augusta Bayern Karten Screenshot

In this section the
Association Via Claudia Augusta of Bavaria informs  
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The association Via Claudia Augusta Bavariae e. V. informs

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The board of the Via Claudia Augusta Bavariae e. V.

Statutes of the Via Claudia Augusta Bavariae e. V.

News from the association
Via Claudia Augusta
Bavariae e. V.


Cycling relay 2024 Staffetta in Bici - Rad-Staffel

As has been the case three times in recent years, groups of cyclists organized by the municipalities along the Via Claudia Augusta cycle from one municipality to the next to open the season. There, the following municipality takes over the baton and cycles on. In total, the route runs from the Danube across the Alps to the Adriatic and the river Po - 1000 kilometers, 170 communities from the north to the south of Europe, all together thousands of cyclists, ... Anyone can take part. In most places where the cycling relay stops in the evening, there is a reception to which all those interested in the Via Claudia Augusta who have not cycled along are also welcome. The cycling relay is an opportunity to get to know the Via Claudia Augusta and to meet others who live and work along the historic road. The cycling relay connects people, including those you don't meet directly, but who you know are doing the same thing on other sections of the Via Claudia Augusta ... We are all the Via Claudia Augusta. More


2nd Via Claudia Augusta festival in Fliess a great success

As reported, Fliess is the Via Claudia Augusta site of the year (LOCUM ANNI). As part of the annual program "Fliess 2023", the town celebrated the second Via Claudia Augusta Festival on June 18. Already the evening before, one could listen to exciting lectures in the Via Claudia Augusta hall. On Sunday, first the brass band and the rifle company of Fliess marched on, before the big parade of Roman groups and groups from pre-Roman times followed at 13:00. Even a chariot with 4 horses was present. Afterwards, the historical groups presented the historical everyday life, i.e. life and work in former times. Even Roman food could be tasted. The visitors were enthusiastic. Some of them even walked over the Fließer Platte from Landeck Castle to the festival.

Fliess 2023 - place of the year (LOCUM ANNI)

Nel 2023, Fliess sarà la sede dell'Anno della Via Claudia Augusta con un programma che, durante tutto l'anno, darà la possibilità di conoscere la Via Claudia Augusta, il luogo e la sua storia e cultura comune. Il primo evento è la mostra d'arte "Kreuz & Quer" di Hans Seifert dal 7 al 28 maggio. Il 17 e 18 giugno seguiranno le conferenze e la festa della Via Claudia Augusta.


Museumsverein Fliess gives insights into first Tyrolean advanced civilizations

With the book "Opfer für die Götter - Kult und Leben in der Vorzeit" (Sacrifice for the Gods - Cult and Life in Prehistoric Times), which will be presented on October 5, 2021 at 19:00 in the Wagner'schen Buchhandlung in Innsbruck, the Museumsverein Fliess gives an insight into the first advanced civilizations in the Alpine region in the Bronze and Iron Ages, i.e. long before the Romans moved northwards across the Alps, using the example of the numerous and top-class finds in and around the village of Fliess. Even then, the "Tyroleans" lived in 2-story houses, with a lockable entrance door and an open fireplace. A general standard of living that was only surpassed in the Alpine region with the industrial revolution. The Raetians, who are considered an independent culture along with the Celts, Venetians, Ligurians and Etruscans, settled in the Bavarian Alpine foothills, in Tyrol, in South Tyrol, in Trentino and even in Feltrino (Veneto) and in the north of the province of Verona (Veneto), i.e. along most of the Via Claudia Augusta. The museum association and the municipality have succeeded with great investments in keeping the numerous finds that were made around the village of Fliess in the village and in creating a worthy museum quarter for them. This and the Via Claudia Augusta Tirol Documentation Center located opposite make Fliess a Mecca of pre-Roman and Roman archaeology and history. At the book presentation, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Tomedi, among others, will speak about "Archaeological Treasures in the Municipality of Fliess". The presentation in Innsbruck, together with the University of Innsbruck should show that this is a Tyrolean topic, which has also found its expression in many other places in Tyrol, but in Fliess is presented particularly well and impressively. Admission to the book presentation on October 5, 2021 at Wagner'schen Universitäts-Buchhandlung at Museumsstraße 4 in 6020 Innsbruck is from 18:40. Attention, 3G proof required. By the way, the new book is available in the store of the Museumsverein Fliess and in the Wagner'schen bookshop, which also has its own bookshop:


Travel reports from travellers along the Via Claudia Augusta in Italian and German

Some time ago the German Via Claudia Augusta cyclist Holger Nacken published a book that tells how he travelled the Via Claudia Augusta with friends. Now there is also a similar book by two young Italians in love, who got carried away by the Via Claudia Augusta and humorously report about their journey. Author Gacomo Chimera. Both books in the virtual booklanden here on the homepage, which is currently under construction, and can be ordered in relevant online book platforms.

New "Roman square" along the Via Claudia Augusta

Our correspondent reports: In Mertingen, the northernmost populated town on the Via Claudia Augusta in Roman times (Castel Submuntorium Burghöfe), a new square is currently being built near the town hall, with reference to the Via Claudia Augusta and the Romans. Here first pictures. We are already curious how the square looks finished.


Via Claudia Augusta Italia awarded

Via Claudia Augusta Italia received today the "Italian Green Road Award 2018" at Cosmobike Verona. Thanks to the Municipality of Lagundo and Councillor Cesare d'Eredità for the nomination.


Archaeological excavation along the Via Claudia Augusta

Since September 24, research has been going on again along the Roman road, as part of the Interreg project "Hereditas - Virtual Via Claudia Augusta ITAT 2007. Archaeologists are searching for a sanctuary in a small wooded area in Dollinger-Lager between Tarrenz and Nassereith (Tyrol). On Friday, October 5th at 14:00 there will be a guided tour for the population and guests.

Current status: Several interesting individual finds have already been made and the structure of the sanctuary has already been located.

Weather: On the day of the guided tour bright sunshine is announced. So let's go!

Special travelers along the Via Claudia Augusta

The Hafner family from Augsburg recently traveled the Via Claudia Augusta, with a cargo bike, as one meets them more and more in cities. With a load wheel one can transport, as the name says, also correct loads. You can also use them to do bigger shopping and they help to reduce motorized traffic. During the special bicycle journey, on the traces of the Romans over the alps, the 3jhrige Benedikt took place in the loading space of the load wheel, which moved father Damian. Wife Claudia and 10-year-old Cassandra accompanied them on conventional bikes. Even the two Tiroler of passports mastered the 4 from own Kraft. It was an exciting and beautiful adventure, draws the family father balance. A Bravo of the Via Claudia Augusta! From you too?


Brazilians conquer the Via Claudia Augusta

Years ago, a first group of Brazilians flew to Germany on their bikes and cycled in the footsteps of the Romans across the Alps, to Altino near Venice. They were so enthusiastic that they started advertising the Via Claudia Augusta at home. Since then, Brazil has been in the top 10 of the ranking of countries with the most visitors on our website every year and every year several hundred Brazilians cycle the Via Claudia Augusta. A group sent us this picture from Nauders am Reschenpass.


Stork youngsters ...

... everywhere in the Donau-Ries, at the northern end of the Via Claudia Augusta, around the town of Donauwörth.

New cycle bridge of the Via Claudia Augusta in Pfunds opened

Another new cycle bridge in Pfunds (Nauders Tiroler Oberland, Kaunertal region) makes the Via Cláudia Augusta cycle route even more attractive. Now cyclists no longer have to cross the Inn on the motorway bridge, but have their own bridge - and what a bridge it is. Over 100 cyclists cycled to the ceremonial opening with Governor Günther Platter. On the way, brass music was played in every village.

to the film

Via Claudia Augusta at the bottom of the Forggensee longer hikes this year

As a result of restoration work on the Forggensee dam, the water level of the reservoir between Füssen and Rosshaupten (Bavaria) remains lower for longer than in other years. The Roman roadway of the Via Claudia Augusta, which lies at the bottom of the reservoir, is therefore still visible and even accessible. How long is not clear. So go there quickly and have a look!

Stork offspring in Donau-Ries

Stork offspring everywhere in the Donau-Ries, at the northern end of the Via Claudia Augusta, around the town of Donauwörth.

Via Claudia Augusta Bavaria inspects Roman road near Ehrenberg

These days a group of the Via Claudia Augusta Bavaria met in Ehrenberg for an archaeological excursion between the hermitage and the forest rest. Representatives of all the communities along the Roman road corridor in Bavaria, between the Danube and the border with Tyrol, were invited to gradually get to know the Via Claudia Augusta better, but also to network.

All this can also be read in the newly printed annual report "Via Claudia Augusta 2017/2018".

Again second most popular cycle route

The Via Claudia Augusta is once again the second most popular cross-border cycle route in Germany. This is the result of a representative survey by the ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub).


Every year thousands of travellers on the Via Claudia Augusta

Last year, 2017, numerous travellers again followed the tracks of the Roman road Via Claudia Augusta across the Alps. Around 40,000 cyclists cycled the long-distance cycle route across the Alps. Around 10,000 long-distance hikers followed sections of the old road on foot. An estimated 50,000 guests travelled the Via Claudia Augusta motorised or decided to spend a few days on holiday in one of the regions and towns along the route on the basis of the Via Claudia Augusta. This success is also reflected in the fact that the Via Claudia Augusta is voted the second most popular cross-border route year after year in your survey of the General German Cycling Club (ADFC). The successful cycle route is considered the easiest Alpine crossing for touring cyclists - not least because of the bike shuttle services offered over all passes and the comfortable and uncomplicated shuttle bus that takes cyclists back north from Italy.

76 year old cycles from Donauwörth to Altino in 7 days

Six years ago Franz Panwinkler read about the Via Claudia Augusta cycle route in a daily newspaper. Unfortunately, he found no one to accompany him. So he decided to tackle the tour alone. "I'm already 76 now," smiles the sprightly Upper Austrian, who has had an artificial hip joint for eight years. Already from March of last year on he cycled regularly and organised his cycling tour at the same time. His life partner brought him to the start, to Donauwörth. Then he set off on his own, almost as far as the Alps on the first day. For Panwinkler it was clear from the start that he would not be using a shuttle. "I wanted to get every metre under my own steam." Even rain and thunderstorms could not stop him.  On average, the daily stages totalled 100 kilometres. To sum up: a unique and unforgettable experience.

Imst Tourism invited to a wine culinary event in Tarrenz

These days were celebrated and enjoyed in the Knappenwelt in Tarrenz, Tyrol's town with the most winegrowers, wines and vintners from the town, the region and the Via Claudia Augusta. The festival was a successful co-production of Imst Tourism and the Tarrenz Wine Growers' Association. The Tyrolean winegrowing scene is growing. About 10,000 bottles a year are pressed, a large part of them in Tarrenz. The quantity is still manageable, but the quality is remarkable. This was demonstrated, for example, at the international wine award "VINUM ANNI 2017" of the Via Claudia Augusta in Augsburg, where Tyrol held its own among the wine regions along the Roman road and brought home 3 medals. The certificates were officially handed over again at the festival - to the Zoller-Saumwald Winery from Haiming (gold) and to the Tagl Winery in Tarrenz and Terra Austriacus in Prutz (both silver). Also present at the festival were the 11 gold-winning wines from the other regions along the Via Claudia Augusta. They provided a worthy setting for the excellent Tyrolean wines, as did the successful festival around the fine wines and the interested, enthusiastic visitors who, in addition to the wine, enjoyed ham, cheese, Roman bread and barley soup made to an original recipe from 2000 years ago. It is already decided that the festival will be repeated next year - probably on 16 September 2018.

Watch the video

Merano-Land wine winners celebrate in Algund

In July, an international jury tasted 100 of the best wines of the Via Claudia Augusta in the Roman Museum in Augsburg and awarded the best from each wine region a gold medal. The winners from the Merano region, the Pfeifhofers from the Zollweghof organic winery in Lana, now celebrated their "Gold" with friends in the Brückenkopf Museum in Algund. The award-winning strong, fruity white wine "Goldraut" Souvignier Gris was also enjoyed by the numerous well-wishers, including several sommeliers who explained the special features of the wine. Winegrower Franz Pfeifhofer told about the care of the rare fungus-resistant grape variety Souvignier Gris. Algund's mayor, Ulrich Gamper, was pleased that the celebration took place at the Museum Brückenkopf, which is intended to be a bridge between people and their cultures and in this case a bridge for the wine culture.

Westdeutscher Rundfunk cycles the entire Via Claudia Augusta

Journalists regularly travel along the Via Claudia Augusta to learn about and report on the route linking Europe, its regions, places and special features. But when journalists take the time to travel the entire Via Claudia Augusta, it is something special. At the moment Eva Firzlaff from the German public service broadcaster WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) is cycling the entire cycle route from the Danube to Ostiglia on the River Po in 12 days, accompanied by a guide. She then processes her impressions into an episode of a regular radio programme in which special regions or routes are presented. In addition, Eva Firzlaff always discovers themes for new episodes during her travels. We wish you good weather and many lasting impressions.

Ground-breaking ceremony for new route to Reschenpass

The construction of the new Via Claudia Augusta cycle and long-distance hiking route on the Austrian side of the Resia Pass is currently underway. Until today there is only a shuttle or the diversion via Switzerland. In future, the route will lead from the medieval customs station at Altfinstermünz, through the breathtaking gorge, up to the 19th century fortress. Afterwards, cyclists and hikers will be able to reach Nauders, where the only Roman road station in Tyrol with written records was located, via the picturesque mountain meadows that geographically already belong to the Vinschgau Valley. The striking section, up to the highest point of the Via Claudia Augusta, thus turns from a weak point into a highlight, for cyclists and hikers alike. The tourist board and local authorities are digging deep into their pockets. Nevertheless, the 3 million euro project would not be possible without massive support from the province of Tyrol.

Montebelluna opens Posmon archaeological garden

The Via Claudia Augusta is always surprising. On 13 May, in Montebelluna (Treviso), in the presence of the mayor Prof. Maurizio Favero, the Posmon Archaeological Garden was inaugurated. On the site there are pre-Roman and Roman sites that bear witness to a great past and are just waiting to be excavated and protected. Among others, two Roman buildings (2nd half of the 1st and 2nd century) built with material from the area: One was probably used as a dwelling, while the other was probably a smithy for the production and repair of small iron parts. In the forge workshop a "raised" forge was discovered, which enabled the blacksmith to work standing up, thus opening the way to the modern forge. It is the first time in Italy that such a smithy has been documented.

Raffle!!! Book about Via Claudia Augusta cycle tour as Christmas present

To cross the Alps under your own steam - on foot or by bike - that's what many people dream of. Together with two friends, Holger Nacken has made his dream come true. Without being particularly sporty, without much cycling experience and intensive training, the 3 Germans cycled across the Alps in the footsteps of the ancient Romans. Holger Nacken tells in a humorous way in his book "Alpenradler - Via Claudia Augusta" what they have seen and experienced. 3 copies will be raffled among those who tell us in an e-mail to why they would like to give this book as a Christmas present to themselves or to someone else. Those who are not among the 3 lucky winners will also receive the book in bookstores or postage free at from the author himself

Discover Advent markets and shopping on Via Claudia Augusta

Are you also one of those who don't hide behind the stove when winter comes? Do you feel like discovering new and special things during Advent? Then why not take a pre-Christmas tour along the Via Claudia Augusta across the Alps? The regions and places along the way have a special charm during the Advent season. Numerous Advent markets are waiting to be discovered - large ones such as those in the Town Hall Square in Augsburg, in Walther von der Vogelweide Square in Bolzano, in the picturesque old towns of Trento and Verona or in the lagoon city of Venice, and more contemplative ones in the smaller towns and villages. Towns and lively shopping areas invite you to go shopping before Christmas. Wines and other culinary specialities for the holidays are also available from the farm. In between, rich kitchens and cosy restaurants invite you to stop for a bite to eat.

March of historical groups from Castello to Lamon

On 29 October, groups dressed in historical costumes march from Castello Tesino (Trentino) along the historic Via Claudia Augusta to Lamon (Veneto region). On 30 October, the camp of the historical groups can be discovered on the hill of San Pietro above the centre of Lamon. It is a kind of interactive museum in the open air. The public is in direct contact with the showmen and experiences a piece of living history.


Mayan culture along the Via Claudia Augusta

Americans are interested in Roman culture, as we are shown every year by several hundred Brazilian cyclists who cycle the Via Claudia Augusta. We are interested in Mayan culture, which can currently be discovered in an exhibition in Verona - in the Palazzo della Gran Guardia, from 8 October 2016 to 5 March 2016.

exhibitions with roman museum in "relocation boxes"

The Roman museum of the former provincial capital of Augsburg (Augusta Vindelicum) is actually located in the former Dominican church. Due to static problems in the substructure, however, exhibition operations there had to be suspended in 2013. Until the reopening of the renovated church building, part of the second largest archaeological collection in Bavaria can be seen in the Tuscan columned hall of the former Augsburg armoury. Museum director Manfred Hahn has come up with something special for the specially designed exhibition: All the exhibits on display are apparently placed in "relocation boxes", which visitors are allowed to look into. The successful Roman exhibition should not be missed. But we are also looking forward to the "new" Roman Museum Augsburg, for which the active team around Manfred Hahn will certainly come up with something special again. The exhibition is already ready to move again.

In 3 parts by bus along the Via Claudia Augusta

In 2012 the historical association of the city of Landsberg am Lech (Bavaria) travelled in 4 days from Trento along the Via Claudia Augusta over the Adige Valley, the Vinschgau, the Resia and Fernpass back to Landsberg. In 2014, the "Via Claudia Augusta Altinate" from Altino near Venice to Trento was on the programme in 5 days, taking in the Strada del Prosecco or the Feltrino. A few days ago the group finally travelled the "Via Claudia Augusta Padana" from Ostiglia to Trento in 5 days and experienced the Po, Roman Verona, Valpolicella and the silk city of Rovereto, among others. We would be pleased to work out tailor-made tours for you, which, like the historical association Landsberg am Lech, will provide you with enthusiasm. A large part of their 2nd and 3rd trips were already booked before the complete programme was ready.

Königsbrunn relies on e-bikes due to roadblock

Due to construction work it was unavoidable to close the state road between the town of Königsbrunn (south of Augsburg) and the market town of Mering in the east. The municipality made the best of it and organised an e-bike rental campaign for the citizens during the blockade, which was supported by the LEW-Lechwerke. In this way, the population was able to get from A to B despite construction work and the whole thing was climate-neutral. Mayor Franz Feigl was recently able to draw a positive balance. He and we hope that the people of Königsbrunn will continue to use their bikes or e-bikes after the roadblocks and, after they have trained well, will cycle over the Alps on the Via Claudia Augusta. Articlel in the Augsburger Allgemeinen Zeitung 

The oldest piece Imst comes to musical life

The Laurentiuskirche on the prominent mountain hill above the centre of Imst is based on an early Christian church and is thus the oldest known part of the town, which already existed as the "Oppidum Humiste" when the Romans moved over the Alps and was probably the most important settlement along the Via Claudia Augusta between Füssen and Meran. In July the contemplative little church comes to life 3 times with music: On 7th July with the world music accordionist Manfred Leuchter & the Scottish guitarist Ian Melrose. On 15 July the Modern String Quartet will bring life to the Laurentiuskirche. On 21 July the Tyrolean ensemble VocalCube will perform classical vocal polyphony from the late 16th century.

Mountains around the Tiroler Zugspitze in flames

The mountain fires at the solstice are the top highlight of the year in the Tyrolean Zugspitz Arena. Depending on the weather, the Ehrwald-Lermoos-Biberwier valley basin will shine in fiery splendour a few days earlier or later. This year, the time had come at dusk on 25 June. Little by little, a wide variety of glowing fire sculptures appeared on the mountains around the Wetterstein massif, the Mieminger Kette and the Lechtal Alps. The motifs are diverse and range from symbols from mythology and faith to current themes. They amaze visitors every year, are a unique memory and also a great photo motif. By the way, since 2010 the mountain fires of the Tyrolean Zugspitz Arena are part of the immaterial UNESCO cultural heritage.

Journalist tests the Via Claudia Augusta cycle route with son and his girlfriend

Journalist Petra Sobinger and her 11-year-old son Tim have already done some cycling tours together, but the first cross-alpine cycle route is a special challenge. This time they also have Blia, their son's girlfriend, with them and the three of them want to cycle the Via Claudia Augusta relatively quickly - from Donauwörth across the Alps to Altino near Venice, 700 km in 10 days. "If necessary, we can take the pass shuttles here and there and let ourselves be taken up there", says the ambitious mother, but she is sure that the young people will not be bothered. In the end they want to enjoy the lagoon and the sea for a few more days. On Whit Monday the 3 started and are well prepared, as the photo from the Donauwörth station shows.

Augsburg's water management is to become a Unesco World Heritage

Even in the days of Augsburg as the capital of the Roman province of Rhaetia, each of the 10,000 citizens had running water. Water power has also been used since ancient times. The oldest preserved parts of the city's water system date from the Middle Ages: canals, monumental fountains from the Renaissance, ... Augsburg has the three oldest water towers in Germany. The city therefore decided to strive for the inclusion of "Hydraulic engineering and hydropower, drinking water and fountain art" from 1412 to 1992 in the Unesco World Heritage List. The Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, which is responsible for this, called in an advisory board and decided to submit the proposal to Unesco. Parallel to the application, there will also be a comprehensive programme on the subject this year.

Food specialities market with treasures from the Via Claudia Augusta planned

The Gottstein industrialist family has relocated the production plant from the Tyrolean district town of Imst to a nearby industrial area. They have set themselves an ambitious and exciting goal for the vacated area. It is to become a centre for handcrafted quality products, in which historical and modern production can be experienced at first hand, and where handcrafted products can be seen and appreciated and also purchased. There is already a shop with trendy alpine fashion in one building. Another will house a market with food specialities of the Via Claudia Augusta from the Adriatic Sea and the Po Valley to the Danube. An innovation centre for housing 2.0 is also planned. Interested parties can register at

Alessandro Conte follows on foot the Via Claudia Augusta from Trento to Ostiglia

From 26 to 30 April Alessandro Conte, trail runner and food coach, follows the Via Claudia Augusta "Padana" on foot from Trento to Ostiglia on the river Po. The adventure begins on 26 April in Trento, on the remains of a Roman road paved with red stone, which crosses the ancient city of Tridentum (underground archaeological site). Then the first day's stage takes us on a historical trail to Rovereto, the Marzemino area. The aim of Alessandro's promotional tour is to discover the timeless charm of nature along the Roman road, to consciously convey the high value of Mediterranean cuisine with his culinary search for traces, and to prepare the ground for lovers of gentle tourism with his experiences. Other stops on his journey are Borghetto, Quar in Valpolicella, Isola della Scala and Ostiglia on the river Po.

Trento now also eats like the Romans - historically inspired communion in San Donà

A communion, as it might have been eaten there 2000 years ago, was recently tasted in a former small tavern in San Donà, above the city of Trento. Not far from the monastery, the historic route of the Via Claudia Augusta ascended from the Adige Valley, up the slope, into the Valsugana. Dishes from the period when the old road was built are a particularly charming way of getting to know "Europe's cultural axis". Like some innkeepers along the Via Claudia Augusta, hobby chef Gianni Civtillo was inspired by history. He seasoned exclusively with "Garum" and herbs. Although the native Venezuelan comes from the same continent as tomatoes, potatoes, corn, ... he did not use any of them, because all this only came to Europe in the wake of Columbus' voyage of discovery.

Via Claudia Augusta again second most popular cycle route of the Germans in Europe

Every year the 155,000 members of the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC) are called upon to choose the most popular cycle routes. As has been the case for years, the Via Claudia Augusta is again number 2 among the routes that lie entirely or in substantial parts outside the German borders, and is the most popular European route that does not follow a river or the most popular Alpine crossing cycle route. Last year the Via Claudia Augusta was also awarded 4 stars by the ADFC for its quality. The main motives for a bicycle tour along the old Roman road are (1) to Italy (towards the sun, to the sea), (2) across the Alps and (3) on the traces of the Romans. The Via Claudia Augusta also scores points with its transport services, which make it easier or more comfortable, such as the bike shuttle, which takes cyclists to the starting point of the tour, on the Danube, before the journey begins, or the bike shuttles over the passes.

In summer 2016, King Ludwig will once again enchant musical fans in Füssen

Eleven years ago, the musical of the "fairytale king" Ludwig II was premiered in the Festspielhaus Füssen on the banks of the Forggen lake. From 11 August to 4 September 2016 it will return to the stage. The performance at the original location with a direct view of Neuschwanstein is a very special experience.

In addition, a completely new format will celebrate its premiere with "The Swan Prince". 9 times the musical ship "MS Füssen" goes on an evening cruise on Lake Forggen between 30 July and 23 August at the original location. The audience sits them in the middle of the dramatic events. In scenes on the shore Ludwig's myths and legends come to life.

A book tells about the bicycle tour of three Germans along the Via Claudia Augusta

Many people dream of crossing the Alps under their own steam - on foot or by bike. Together with two friends, Holger Nacken has made his dream come true. Without being particularly sporty, without much wheel route experience and intensive training the 3 Germans made themselves on a wheel journey on the traces of the old Romans of Augsburg over the Tiroler alpine passports to Trento. What they saw and experienced thereby everything, tells Holger neck in humorous way in its book alpine cyclists - via Claudia Augusta , which has also some Tipps for all those in stock, which want to follow the three. More info on On there is even a video. The book is available in bookshops or postage-free under from the author himself.

The two strongest Facebook pages on the Via Claudia Augusta become one

For several years now, the Facebook page "Friends of the ... / amici della ... Via Claudia Augusta" has been available for several years now. It provides interested people and guests of the Via Claudia Augusta with news about the Via Claudia Augusta from the Danube to the Adriatic Sea and the Po Valley. The friends come from Germany, Italy, Austria, but also from many other countries. 

The municipality of Algund in South Tyrol was the first capital of the Via Claudia Augusta for one year in 2014. The motto of the numerous activities and festivities was "2000 years of Emperor Augustus". The Facebook page "Via Claudia Augusta 2014" was also created.

Now the two sides are becoming one, which should develop even more strength and win and connect friends for the Via Claudia Augusta.

News Via Claudia Augusta

Sponsors & partners

  • Interreg Italia-Österreich - European Union
  • Gal Prealpi e Dolomiti
  • ???
  • VIA Claudia Augusta
  • Tirol - Unser Land