Culture of regions and places
in all its fullness
Via Claudia Augusta "Altinate"

Die Ur-Aufführung des Monumentalwerkes "Via Claudia" von Johan de Meji des synfonisches Blasorchesters der Stadtmusikkapelle Landeck anlässlich deren 375. Geburtstages.

Here you will find cultural similarities and special features of the towns and regions along the Via Claudia Augusta, between the Danube and the Adriatic Sea: cultural landscapes, people who have left their cultural mark on the areas and what they have left us in terms of cultural assets, but also current cultural creativity. Some of this can also be experienced on site.

Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 01
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 01

Donauwörth and Donau-Ries:
cultural meeting place
at the Danube bridge

The administrative district Donau-Ries has 132,000 inhabitants, 7 cities and 2 market towns. The area around the mouth of the Lech into the Danube and the Ries crater also has a diverse and fine, lively cultural scene. The bridge in Donauwörth was long the only one far and wide. Numerous people from near and far therefore travelled through the region and made stops there. Among them were Napoleon Bonaparte and numerous cultural and artistic figures who inspired the population. The most famous was none other than Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The traces he left in the area are maintained by cultural organisations and communities together in a separate association. Then as now, music has a special significance in the region. It is a central part of several series of events and has always produced important composers and musicians beyond the region. The centres of the district, its numerous historical points and cultural monuments, some of which belong to the local princely lineages of Oettingen-Oettingen, also form a stage for contemporary art and a small but fine theatre and cabaret scene.

Donauspitz, Mündung, Wörnitz, in die Donau, Donauwörth, Via Claudia Augusta, Bayern, Foto Donauwörth
Rieser Krater
Reichsstraße in Donauwörth
eine Luftaufnahme von Nördlingen
Residenzschloss Öttingen, roter Salon
Mozart in Donau Ries
Burgruine Steinhart, außen, Hainsfahrt
Kumuwemding, paar
briefmarke Werner Egk
Donauwörther Reichsstraßenfest
Das Ave Maria von Franz Lachner
Vinzenz Lachner
Veronika Eberle
Maximilian Hornung
Käthe Kruse Puppen
Der Kaisersaal in Kaisheim
Das Kloster Heilig Kreuz
Leitheimer Schlosskonzerte
Öttingen, historischer Markt, Ritterturnier
Rieser Bauerntorte
Schwäbischer Kindertag
Türmer in Nördlingen
Plakat von My Fair Lady
Musical floor

A separate association of municipalities and cultural organisations has taken up the numerous traces that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart left in the region. With the composer brothers Ignaz and Vinzenz Lacher as well as Werner Egk, the district has also produced several composers itself. Music enjoyment is provided by classical event series such as the Donauwörther Kulturtage, the Leitheim Castle Concerts, the Oettinger Residence Concerts, the Kulturkreis Mertingen and also the Rosetti Festival in the Ries as well as the Rieser Kulturtage. Several music schools are the basis for the next generation of musicians. The violinist Veronika Eberle from Donauwörth and the chellist Maximilian Hornung, who partly grew up in Nördlingen, are two musicians known nationwide.

Art and history

Artists from the Ries who have left their mark on the region are the sculptor Johan Georg Bschorer (*1692 +1763) and the well-known Swabian rococo painter Johann Baptist Enderle, who, for example, created the ceiling fresco "Göttermahl" in the Enderlesaal of the Deutschordenhaus in Donauwörth. Anette Steinacker-Holst runs the Donau-Ries Art Museum with the art of her father Ernst Steinacker, her own art and changing special exhibitions.


Since 1945 Käthe Kruse dolls have been produced in Donauwörth. In the Käthe-Kruse-Doll Museum you can admire the largest collection of dolls of the doll artist worldwide.

Theatre and art

The Musical Company of the Donauwörth grammar school, the Thaddäus cabaret stage in Kaisheim and the Schauspiel-Manufaktur in Nördlingen shape a small but fine theatre and cabaret scene.

People and personalities

The inhabitants of Donau-Ries are said to be down-to-earth, loyal and sometimes a little bit resistant to change. The most famous inhabitant of the district is probably Count Stauffenberg, who is well known for the almost successful Hitler assassination. His family still lives in Amerdingen today. Other famous personalities are the scholar, doctor and botanist Leonhart Fuchs (*1501 in Wemding), the Nördlingerin Maria Holl (+1634), who was burned as a witch, Krafft Ernst Fürst zu Oettingen-Wallerstein (1748 - 1802), who married into the dynasty of Thurn und Taxis, the author Ludwig Auer, known as "Uncle Ludwig", and the politician Anton Jaumann from Belzheim (+1994). The princely line of Oettingen-Oettingen is still today as the successor lines Oettingen-Wallerstein and Oettingen-Spielberg are resident in the region and has or had numerous cultural assets (castles, churches, monasteries).

Food and drinks

A speciality with a great tradition in the Donau-Ries district is the Rieser Bauerntorte. It is available in a catholic and in an evangelic variant. From this it can be concluded that it has been around since the time when the population in the area was religiously divided. Other traditional dishes are the Rieser festive soup and the Rieser roast goose. Current specialities from the Ries or Danube-Lech region are asparagus and potatoes.

Festivals and customs

Anyone who has ever celebrated at a festival in the district of Donau-Ries knows that its inhabitants know how to celebrate. Important festivals and events in the annual cycle are, for example, the Reichsstraßenfest, the Inselfest or the Swabian Children's Day in Donuwörth, the Nördlinger Mess, the Brückenfest in Harburg, the Jakobikirchweih Oettingen, the herb and fuchsia market in Wemding, ... and much more. Typical customs are the Rieser Bauerntorte, the Easter fountain, maypoles or the Johannifeuer.


Here you will find various points where you can experience the district of Donau-Ries and Donauwörth. We have already pre-selected these points for you. In the interactive "Via Claudia Augusta Map" you will also find other contents and can even plan an entire journey along the Via Claudia Augusta.

Events in Donauwörth

Here you can find events in the city of Donauwörth


Events in Donau-Ries

Here you can find events in Donau-Ries


Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
at the Bavarian Danube, at the Ries crater, at the Swabian Alp, at the beginning of the Lech valley and the Lechrain

belong to:

  • City Donauwörth, Topfheim, Asbach-Bäumenheim, Genderkingen, Niederschönfeld, Mertingen, Oberndorf am Lech, City Rain, Münster, Holzheim and beyond
  • the whole Lankreis Donau-Ries
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 02

Through the Lech Valley
from Submuntorium
to Gersthofen

  • 02

Still in the making:

Lechtal, right and left of the Lech; 5 towns, 2 market towns; smaller and larger communities in rural areas between the Danube and the Augsburg conurbation; districts of Donau-Ries, Augsburger- and Wittelsbacherland;

Asbach-Bäumenheimer (choir); Music Association Asbach-Bäumenheim;
Carnival Mertingen; Musical Mertingen;
Kloster Holzen, cultural meeting and cultural activities;
Choir Nordendorf; Music Association Nordendorf; Theater Nordendorf
CineplexxSaal Meitingen; Youth Wind Orchestra Meitingen; Theater Herbertshofen
Music society Langweid am Lech;
Art (prize) Gersthofen, Swing Gersthofen; organizing nationally important concerts in Gersthofen; Gospel choir Gersthofen; Theater Gersthofen

Advent Markt Kloster Holzen
Asbach Bäumenheimer
Ausstellung Gerstenhofen
Chor in Nordendorf
Christine Stürmer in Gersthofen
Cineplexx Saal in Meitingen
Cineplexx Saal in Meitingen
Fasching in Mertingen
Geneses in Gersthofen
Gersthofener Kunstpreis
Gersthofen Swing
Gospelchor in Gersthofen
Jugendblasorchester in Meitingen
Kloster Holzen
Kloster Holzen
Konzert Kinder Nordendorf
Kultur mit Leidenschaft in Gersthofen
Kunstpreis Gersthofen
Musical in Mertingen
Musik Jakobus in Gersthofen
Musik Langweid in Lech
Musik Nordendorf im Freien
Musikverein Asbach Bäumenheim
Musikverein Langweid
Musikverein Langweid
Musikverein Langweid in Lech
Theater Gersthofen
Theater Herbertshofen
Theater Nordendorf
Theater Volksbühne Westendorf
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
in the Lechtal and Lechrain between Danube and Augsburg

belong to:

  • Asbach-Bäumenheim, Genderkingen, Niederschönfeld, Mertingen, Oberndorf am Lech, City of Rain, Münster, Holzheim, Allmannshofen, Ellgau, Nordendorf, Ehingen, Westendorf, Kühlental, Markt Meitingen, Markt Thierhaupten, Todtweis, Biberbach, Langweid am Lech, Rehling, Gablingen, Affing, City of Gersthofen, City of Neusäß, City of Stadtbergen, City of Friedberg and beyond
  • the administrative district Donau-Ries, the administrative district Augsburg and the administrative district Aichach-Friedberg
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 03
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 03

Roman provincial city
Augusta Vindelicum

  • 03

Still in the making:

Concerts of national importance
large theatre in a theatre house worth seeing with a stage worth seeing
vibrant museum landscape
many architectural monuments and generally a great city with a lot of history

Konzert in Augsburg, Großes Publikum
Augsburger Dom Singknaben
Konzert Theater in Augsburg
Maximilian Museum
Seer Konzert
Theater Augsburg Wozzeck
Theater in Augsburg
Theater in Augsburg
Theater in Augsburg
Theater in Augsburg
Theater in Augsburg
Theater in Augsburg
Theater in Augsburg, der Nussknacker
Theater in Augsburg, Otello
Theater in Augsburg, Schwanensee
Theater in Augsburg, Wunderteam
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

At the Via Claudia Augusta corridor
between Lech and Wertach

belongs to

the city of Augsburg, the former Roman provincial capital Augusta Vindelicum and city of the Fuggers and beyond
the Landsberg district (the Augsburg region) and
the district of Aichach-Friedberg (the Wittelsbacherland)

Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 04
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 04

Through the Lechfeld
from Augsburg
to Landsberg am Lech

  • 04

Still in the making:

between the agglomeration of Augsburg and the town of Landsberg am Lech; in the west Lechfeld between Wertach and Lech; in the east between Lech and the Leitenberg terminal moraine;

Königsbrunn: ballet, sailors' choir;
Oberottmarshausen: music;
Kleinaitingen: music;
Untermeitingen: music; theatre;
Obermeitingen: theater;
Hurlach: Theatre
Igling: music, historical cycling club;

Ballett Königsbrunn
Kleinaitingen Musik
Königsbrunner Seemannschor
Musik Igling
Musik Untermeitingen
Musikverein Oberottmarshausen
Theater Hurlach
Theater Obermeitingen
Theater Untermeitingen
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
between Augsburg and Landsberg am Lech

belong to:

  • in the Lechfeld (scene of the famous "Battle of the Lechfeld") and
  • on the Lechrain
  • City Königsbrunn, City Bobingen, Kissing, Markt Mering, Meriching, Schmiechen, Steindorf, Oberottmarshausen, Wehringen, Großaitingen, Kleinaitingen, Prittriching, Graben, City Schwabmünchen, Scheuring, Untermeitingen, Klosterlechfeld, Obermeitingen, Hurlach, Igling, Langerdingen, Markt Kaufering, City Buchloe, Waal, Jengen and more
  • the administrative district of Aichach-Friedberg (the Wittelsbacher Land), the county of Augsburger (the Augsburger Land) and the administrative district of Landsberg am Lech (the region of Ammersee-Lech)
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 05
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 05

Landsberg am Lech
Bridge to the
Via Claudia Augusta

  • 05

Still in the making:

beautiful, worth seeing theatre in the historical centre
good band
Vocal Ensemble Landsberg
active gallery

Klassik Landsberg
Kunst Landsberg
Landsberg Musik
Theater Landsberg
Theater Landsberg
Theater Landsberg Außen
Theater Landsberg Halle
Theater Landsberg Stühle
Vokalensemble Landsberg
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
between Augsburg and Landsberg am Lech

is part of it:

  • the medieval town of Landsberg am Lech, at the junction of the Salzstraße and the Via Claudia Augusta and beyond
  • the entire rural district of Landsberg am Lech (the Ammersee-Lech holiday region)
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 06
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 06 Lechrain

Fuchstal & Lechrain
From Landsberg am Lech
to Schongau

  • 06

Still in the making:

Underdownward: Music, Malura Museum, 
Fuchstal: Theater
Denklingen: Music, Theatre
Kinsau: Music, rural youth
Hohenfurch: Music, Theatre

Historisches Bild Musikverein Unterdiessen Oberdiessen
Landjugend Kinsau
Maluramuseum Unterdiessen
Maluramuseum Oberdiessen
Musikkapelle Denklingen
Musikkapelle Hohenfurch
Theater Denklingen
Theater Fuchstal
Theater Hohenfurch
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
on the banks of the Lech

belong to:

  • in the Lechfeld (scene of the famous "Battle of the Lechfeld") and
  • on the Lechrain
  • City Königsbrunn, City Bobingen, Kissing, Markt Mering, Meriching, Schmiechen, Steindorf, Oberottmarshausen, Wehringen, Großaitingen, Kleinaitingen, Prittriching, Graben, City Schwabmünchen, Scheuring, Untermeitingen, Klosterlechfeld, Obermeitingen, Hurlach, Igling, Langerdingen, Markt Kaufering, City Buchloe, Waal, Jengen and more
  • the administrative district of Aichach-Friedberg (the Wittelsbacher Land), the county of Augsburger (the Augsburger Land) and the administrative district of Landsberg am Lech (the region of Ammersee-Lech)
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 07
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 07 Schongau Peitingen

Schongau & Peiting
At the important crossroads

  • 07

Still in the making:

Music Society Altenstadt
Schwabniederhofen Theatre
Operas in Bavarian
Choir and orchestra concerts, current concerts in Schongau and Peiting
Christmas Market Schongau
Peitinger costume group and theatre group
good and active music band Peiting
Festive summer in the Wies
Cultural Center Herzogensaegmuhle

grandioser Abschluss durch Bläserquartett mit Piano
Chorkonzert festlicher Sommer
Corax Konzert Schongau
Freichlicht Theater Henkerstochter, Foto Kreisbote
Freichlicht Theater Henkerstochter, Publikum
Jobarteh Kunda
Kirchenführung Altenstadt Kreisbote
Musikverein Altenstadt
Musikverein Altenstadt
Opern auf Bayerisch, Foto Merkur
Orchester Konzert Schongau
Paul Adams, Programmheft
Peitinger Trachtengruppe
Room66, Band aus Peiting
Konzert in Schongau, festlicher Sommer in der Wies
Schülerkonzert, Herzogsägmuhle
Slider Buffzack
Standartenreiter und nach historischem Vorbild gekleideten Fahnenbegleiter Bruderschaft Hl Leonhard
Theater in Peitinger Schlossberghalle, Foto Merkur
Theater Peiting
Theater Schwabneiderhofen
Trachtenverein Alpenrose Peiting
Weihnachtsmarkt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Historischer Markt Schongau
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
the historical crossroads

is part of it:

  • Altenstadt (original parish of Schongau)
  • the town of Schongau with its still completely preserved town wall
  • the Peiting market (opposite on the other side of the Lech) and beyond
  • the whole district of Weilheim-Schongau (the Pfaffenwinkel)
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 08
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 08 Auerbergland

Around the mountain populated
for thousands of years

  • 08

Still in the making: Traditional costume associations, active customs (maypole), active music bands and marksmen, many art-historical gems, also contemporary art, rafting tradition, sometimes nationally important concerts, Lechhalle cultural centre in Lechbruck am See, open-air cinema, theatres in almost all towns, Guettinger pottery

Gesamtfoto von 2018
Maibaum aufstellen, Traubing Jaksch
Alphornbläser, Lech, Kienberger, Verlag
Kultur, Brauchtum
Gesamtchor 2016 klein
Musikkapelle Lechbruck
Ihr Urlaubsort, Alphornbläser, Lech, c Klaus Kienberger
Rosshaupten Flöten
Rosshaupten Gesamt
Dämmerschopen Gemeinde
Foto Umzug
Maibaum Auerberg
Heino in Rosshaupten
Open Air Kino klein
Open Air Kino. c Carola Stange
Rieden Am Forggensee
Theater Bernbeuren
Theater Bernbeuren
Theater Lechbruck
Theater Rieden Forggensee
Theater Rosshaupten
Töpferei Güttinger
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
in the Auerbergland between Schongau and Füssen


  • in the picturesque hilly country with lush meadows, lush green woods and numerous lakes and ponds
  • Burggen, Schwabsoien, Schwabbruck, Ingenried, Rettenbach am Auerberg, Steingaden, Wildsteg, Lechbruck am See, Stötten, Prem, Rosshaupten in Allgäu, Halblech, Rieden am Forggensee, Hopferau and beyond
  • the whole district of Pfaffenwinkel and
  • the whole district Ostallgäu
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 09
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 09 Füssen Schwangau

Füssen & Schwangau
Allgäu before crossing the Alps

  • 09

Still in the making: Musical theatre Füssen, concerts and concert series (classical and contemporary, e.g. jazz, castle concerts), historical parade, tradition and traditional associations; active music bands, city tours and sightseeing,

Kultur in Füssen
Kultur in Füssen
Kultur in Füssen
Kultur in Füssen
Kultur in Füssen
Kultur in Füssen
Kultur in Füssen, Theater
Kultur in Füssen, Reiter, Schlacht
Bezirksorchester Füssen tritt am 18. Februar in Mittelschul Turnhalle Steingaden auf
St. Coloman, 19. Jhd-17. Jhd Erbe
Hohenschwangau Caste 19th Century National Landmark Heritage
Theater in Füssen
Musiksaal, Kevin
Königswinkel Open Airs Forggensee, Füssen
Almabtrieb Schwangau
Ambiente Barockgarten Festspielhaus
Bibliothek im Museum der Stadt Füssen
Bühne Füssen
Chorklassentreffen Füssen
Schlosskonzert, Tanner Nesselwang
Neuschwanstein, Hohenschwangau
Barbara und Thomas
Colomansfest Schwangau
Musik in Füssen
Festspielhaus Füssen mit Brunnen
Festspielhaus Füssen frontal
Gruppenprogramm Stadtführung Kloster in Füssen
Gruppenprogramm Stadtführung Museum in Füssen
Kaisersaal Bajazzo
Musical Ludwig II. mit Matthias Stockinger als Aludwig
Musik gesamt am Pavillon ohne Balken
Sommer, Lech, Rathaus, Kirche, Schloss
Festspielhaus Füssen
Füssen goes Jazz
Bild Kultur
Bild Schloss
Bild Theater
Bild Musik
Kloster Ostflügel
Ludwig Musical in Füssen gefeiert
Musiksaal Gesamtbild
Roter Chor
Sixties Desaster
Stadtfest, Stadtbrunnen, Bühne
Van morrison
Kartenausschnitt Bayern

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
in the Allgäu hill country before the Alps


  • the city of Füssen
  • Schwangau and the royal castles and beyond
  • the whole district Ostallgäu
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 10 Lechauen

Between Füssen and Reutte:
The Gateway to Tyrol and the
Culture and nature park region

  • 10

The small town of Vils and the three towns of Pinswang, Musau and Pflach together have only 3600 inhabitants. But the area at the gateway to Tyrol and the Nature Park Tyrolean Lech, dominated by the natural river Lech, and the adjacent Tannheimer Tal also have a lot to offer culturally.

Balthasar Riepp
Riepphaus, Foto Robert Keller
Scheiben Schießen Pinwang
Vils Museum Geigen
Vils Tirol Kulturhaus, Foto Robert Keller
Vils Tirol Stadtpfarrkirche, Foto Milz Werbung Füssen
Kulturfoto Lechauen 1
Kulturfoto Lechauen 2
Kulturfoto Lechauen 3
Kulturfoto Lechauen 4
Kulturfoto Lechauen 5
Kulturfoto Lechauen 6
Kulturfoto Lechauen 7
Kulturfoto Lechauen 8
Bühne, Theater Vils
Kulturfoto Lechauen 9
Kulturfoto Lechauen 10
Kulturfoto Lechauen 11
Kulturfoto Lechauen 12
Kulturfoto Lechauen 13
Kulturfoto Lechauen 14
Vils Tirol Stadtplatz
Instrument making and music

Also violins and lute making in Vils


Stuccoers on tour from the Tannheimer Valley

Josef Müller (sculptor) Tannheim

Balthasar Riepp (painter, Vils)

Balthasar Springer (Vils)

Freu Dirr, Autorin (Vils)

Events and local customs

Talfeiertag 17. September iim Tannheimer Tal


Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 11
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 11 Reuttener Becken, Ehrenberg

Breitenwang, Reutte and Ehrenberg:
Center of the culture-
and nature park region

  • 11

The entire Tyrolean Außerfern, whose centre is Reutte, has only about 33,000 inhabitants. But the area in the Tyrolean Lech Nature Park, at the foot of the Bugenwelt Ehrenberg, is also culturally well-positioned and has a lot to offer. The active team of the Reutten Museum in the Green House is in charge of a district wide museum network, in which each museum has a different focus. The Ehrenberg castle ensemble is a top attraction, conveying history and culture in the open air, in a didactically sophisticated museum and in several event locations. The houses in the district centre and many architectural monuments are largely influenced by the Zeiler dynasty of painters. As esteemed building craftsmen and artists, the Reutteners shaped buildings and places beyond the regional borders. Even today every cultural area in the central part of the district is well represented: art, music, theatre and cabaret, literature, ... There is even a film circle dedicated to the cultivation of the moving image.


Burgruine Ehrenberg Morgennebel
Dekanatspfarrkirche Breitenwang, Foto Breitenwang
Museum Grünes Haus Reutte Untermarkt Architekturmalerei
Rennradfahrer Kreisverkehr Untermarkt, Foto Anton Vorauer
Museum Ausstellung Dem Ritter Auf Der Spur Ehrenberg Burgenwelt
Ehrenberg Zeitreise
Ehrenberg Panorama
Galerieverein Reutte
Galerieverein Reutte
gemetzel Kellerei
Kellerei Mein Bezirk
Landart Lech
Lech Klassik
Nikolausumzug Lechaschau
Rainer von Vielen Kellerei Reutte
Scheiben Schiessen Pinwang
Zeiler Tirol Werbung
Kulturfoto Reutte Ehrenberg
Total Plakat

It is noticeable in the central area of the district that several active persons of cultural history have come here at the same time. The active Reutten Museum in the Green House under its chairman Ernst Hornstein, independent master painter and director of the woodcarving school Elbigenalp, is the leader of a district wide museum association, in which each of the museums has a different focus, which complement each other to form a whole. The retired bank director Richard Lipp, who studied history as a senior, and the school director Klaus Wankmiller complement the culturally and historically active team. The driving force behind the top attraction Burgenwelt Ehrenberg is architect Armin Walch. Burgenwelt conveys cultural history in the successively renovated 4 fortress parts of the ensemble in the open air, in a didactically sophisticated exhibition and several event locations.

The people of Ausserfern, as esteemed building craftsmen and artists, left their mark on their region and also on buildings and places beyond the region. From the immediate central area of Reutte, the painters, especially the painter dynasty Zeiler, are worthy of mention. It is also a painter who today plays a major role in shaping the museum scene in the district capital and district, Ernst Hornstein.

Among the artists, the Zeiler dynasty of painters stands out in particular, who left their mark on buildings and art monuments in the region and beyond. With their architectural painting they once created what makes the historical core of Reutte special today. Currently, the Galerieverein Reutte and art projects such as Landart on the natural river Lech are revitalising art in the Reutte area.

The Reutte area had and has always had good musicians. Not far from Reutte, in Bach im Lechtal, the leader-maker, singer and bandleader Toni Knittel is also at home. With his band and the song of the same name the "Bluatschink" helped to mobilise for the nature park Tiroler Lech. The district music school in Reutte takes care of the new generation. Franz Wachter and Klaus Wankmiller constantly organize musical events that serve as a stimulus and stage for musicians from the region.

An active group transformed a cellar into a hip cultural location and played with all kinds of cabaret in the "Kellerei". Special attention is also paid to the promotion of young people. The Filmcircle Breitenwang has taken on special moving pictures.

The most famous Reuttener was the priest and astronomer Anton Maria Schyrle. In his main work he describes his benocular telescope. Terms such as objective and eyepiece are from him. Furthermore a moon crater is named after him.

Among the traditional festivities of the Reutte area, the St. Nicholas parade in Lechaschau and the Patrocinia festivities deserve special mention. By the way, the patron saints of the churches trace the course of the Via Claudia Augusta. The biggest cultural event in the area is certainly the Ehrenberg Time Travel, where hundreds of historically dressed showmen bring history back to life.


Here you will find various points where you can experience the Reutte area. We have already pre-selected these points for you. In the interactive "Via Claudia Augusta Map" you will also find other content and can even plan an entire journey along the Via Claudia Augusta.

Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 12
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 12 Nördliches Zwischentoren

Heiterwang am See and Bichlbach-Lähn-Wengle:
Life on and with the road
Guild Center

  • 12

Although the area between Reutte and Lermoos has only about 1200 inhabitants, there is also a lively cultural life. The 4 villages have 3 music bands. Only the Bichlbacher fractions Lähn and Wengle have joined together to form one. The villages also maintain a lively tradition. In Heiterwang am See a theatre stage invites to performances again and again. A traditional and current cultural centre is certainly the guild house in Bichlbach in the former Vidum, which is a museum, library, tourist information and cultural meeting point in one. It goes back to the Ausserfern guilds, which had their headquarters in Bichlbach. The only guild church in Austria is a reminder of this. The guild brotherhood of St. Joseph is also still active.

Bichlbach Barockkunst
Krippe Zunftkirche
Musikkapelle Bichlbach
Musikkapelle Heiterwang
Musikkapelle Lähn
Musikkapelle Lähn Close
Adventsingen Heiterwang
Landesmusikschule Im Zunfthaus
Rock Heiterwang
logo theater heiterwang
Theater Heiterwang
Theater Heiterwang
Tuifl Heiterwang
Tuifl Heiterwang
Tuifl Heiterwang
Führung Zunftkirche
Heiterwang Kunst
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 13
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 13 Zugspitz Gebiet

Lermoos, Ehrwald and Biberwier:
living mining history and
lived tradition in the natural arena

  • 13
Brauchtum Bergfeuer Ehrwald
Brauchtum Bergfeuer Ehrwald
Brauchtum Bergfeuer Ehrwald
Brauchtum Bergfeuer
Brauchtum Bergfeuer
Brauchtum Ehrwald
Brauchtum Ehrwald
Events Lermoos Silvester
Kino Ehrwald Altes Kino
Konzert Biberwier Benefiz
Konzert Biberwier Benefiz
Konzert Biberwier Dorfpark Brass
Konzert Ehrwald Lenny Kravitz
Konzert Ehrwald Schlager Openair
Konzert Ehrwald Schlager Openair
Konzert Kirche konzerte Biberwier Reutte
Konzert Kirche konzerte Biberwier Reutte
Konzert Musikschule
Kunst Ausstellung Alte Masken Biberwier
Kunst Lermoos
Kunst Luss
Musikkapelle Biberwier
Musikkapelle Ehrwald
Musikkapelle Lermoos Konzert
Musikkapelle Lermoos Konzert Musikverein Wohlen
My Tirol My Cinema
Theater Ehrwald Theatergruppe
Theater Lermoos Logo Zugspitzler
Theater Lermoos Zugspitzler
Theater Lermoos Zugspitzler
Theater Schüler Ehrwald
Bergbau Biberwier
Bergbau Biberwier
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 14
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 14 Ferpass

Over the Fernpass:
numerous cultural and historical testimonies
in a fascinating nature

  • 14

The Fern pass between Biberwier and Nassereith is hardly populated. However, the fascinating landscape of landslides, which nature is laboriously reclaiming, contains numerous testimonies to eventful history and culture. Above all, the remains and traces of prehistoric paths, the Roman road, an early modern road and the old Fernpass federal road. Up to and including the Middle Ages, traffic led over the old Fernpass height above the prominent bend in the Fernpass road and then slid down the mountain slopes into the valley. From early modern times, the roads led over the current Fernpass height, but with different routes, adapted to the respective time. Squares and sacred buildings, to ask and thank for a safe, event-free crossing of the pass height, line the way. At the current Fern pass height there is a mixture of early modern buildings and buildings that can be attributed to the current road. The eventful cultural history of the Fernpass is also told by the Fernstein Castle ensemble at Fernsteinsee. The Roman road leads there along the Sammeranger and Fernsteinsee lakes. The early modern road leads through the castle gate and is today the cycle route. A cultural gem is, among other things, the Nothelfer Chapel. On an island between Fernsteinsee and Samerangersee there are the ruins of a summer residence.

Fernpass Blindsee, Foto Anton Vorauer
Kapelle Fernpass
Fernpass Salzstrasse Mittelalter, Foto Anton Vorauer
Holzsteg Entlang Fels Oberhalb Schloss Fernstein
Wagenspuren Fernpass
Fernstein Bild
Ensemble Schloss Fernstein Foto Wikipedia Luckyprof
Schloss Fernstein Foto Anton Prock
Oldtimer Schloss Fernstein
Schloss Fernstein
Schloss Fernstein Ehemaliger Wehrturm Foto Wikipedia Lukyprof
Schloss Fernstein Foto Wikipedia Giwi
Fernsteinsee Schloss Fernpass
Schloss Ruine Im Fernsteinsee Klaus Graf
Hotel Schloss Fernstein
Schloss Fernstein Kapelle Foto Wikpedia Luckyprof
Kapelle Schloss Fernstein
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 15
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 15 Gurgltal

Between Fernpass and Imst:
mining, carnival, wine and
other cultural activities

  • 15

The landscape jewel Gurgltal between Fernpass and Inn Valley has - besides the town of Imst - only 2 municipalities with about 5000 inhabitants. However, one can notice in the valley that it has always been an eventful one, which has been in lively inter-regional exchange, among other things due to the important road and mining. Nassereith was not only situated on the Via Claudia Augusta it formed and still forms the junction of two important roads. The cultural life is accordingly lively. Impulse centres are the great mining past, which is cultivated and can be experienced in the miners' world of Gurgltal. The great Fanacht tradition of the Gurgltal - in Nassereith, Tarrenz and Imst - moves and encompasses the whole community at fixed intervals and attracts numerous visitors from near and far. But Tarrenz and Nassereith are also two other lively communities where there is a lot going on regularly, not only in the fields of theatre, music, art, ... Last but not least it should be mentioned that due to the milder climate in Tyrol viticulture is developing again. The climate-friendly Tarrenz is a pioneer, with most of the winegrowers and its own winegrowers' association, which organises the annual Wine Culinarium together with the Tourism Association.

Musik in Nassereith / Tarrenz
Fasnacht Nassereith
Fasnacht Nassereith
Fasnacht Nassereith
Fasnacht Nassereith
Fasnacht Nassereith
Fasnacht Nassereith Schellerlaufen
Fasnacht Nassereith Plakat 2019
Fasnachtshaus Nassereith
Fasnachtshaus Nassereith
Fasnachtshaus Nassereith
Fasnacht Tarrenz
Fasnacht Tarrenz
Fasnacht Tarrenz
Film Knappenwelt
Film Knappenwelt
kleine Figuren
Konzert Nassereith
Konzert Tarrenz
Konzert Tarrenz
Konzert Tarrenz Groovebumps
Konzert Tarrenz Polizeimusik
Kulturtage Nassereith
Kunst Nassereith
Kunst Nassereith
Kunst Nassereith
Kunst Nassereith
Kunst Tarrenz
Kunst Tarrenz
Kunst Tarrenz
Kunst Tarrenz
Logo Musik klein
Musikkapelle Nassereith
Musik Tarrenz
Seefest Nassereith
Theater Knappenwelt
Theater Nassereith
Theater Nassereith
Theater Nassereith
Theater Nassereith
Theater Plakat Tarrenz
Theater Tarrenz
Weihnacht Nassereith
Weinkulinarium Tarrenz
Wein Tarrenz
Wein Tarrenz
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 16
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 16 Imst

World Cultural Heritage: The Carnival of Imst
and a lively and cosmopolitan contemporary culture

  • 16

Imst is the largest town on the Via Claudia Augusta in Tyrol. The capital of the district with the same name with a total of about 60,000 inhabitants has only about 10,000 inhabitants. Nevertheless Imst manages to maintain its great tradition on a high level and at the same time has a lively scene of contemporary culture. The undisputed traditional highlight is the immaterial world cultural heritage Imster Fasnacht. Every 4 years all of Imst is Schemenlaufen. The Artclub Imst regularly brings top-class concerts to the town, making Imst a national stage. Even the Rolling Stones performed in the Gurgltal metropolis and Imst also has a lively theatre scene. In addition, it repeatedly produces well-known artists, who can be seen in local galleries and exhibitions.

Art Club Imst
Art Club Imst
Art Club Imst Bühne
Art Club Imst Bühne
Art Club Imst Plakat
Art Club Imst Stadtpark Publikum Close
Art Club Plakat
Boby Mc Ferrin Art Club Imst
Bühne Imst Eingang
Elmar Kopp
Freilicht Theater Gasthof Sonne Imst
Gallerie Imst
Gasthof Sonne Imst
Hans Söllner Imst Art Club
Humiste Bühne
Humiste Bühne
Humiste Bühne
Imst Kunst
Imst Kunst
Imst Masken
Imst Schemenlaufen Vogelhändler
Imst Schemenlaufen
Imst Schemenlaufen Bärengruppe
Imst Fasnachtswagen
Imst Vielfalt
Jubiläum Tschirgant
Kunst Imst
Kunsthandwerk Fußgängerzone Imst
Kunst Imst
Kunst Imst
Kunststraße Imst
Kunststgraße Imst
Kunststrasse Imst Lokal
Postmusik Imst
Rolling Stones In Imst
Rolling Stones In Imst
Rolling Stones In Imst
Stadtmusik Imst
Sunne Theater Imst
Wolfgang Ambros Art Club Imst
heischneida konzert imst
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 17
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 17 Mils, Schönwies

Between Imst and Landeck:
two small, cosmopolitan places
with a lively culture

  • 17
Ensemble Piacere
Ensemble Piacere
Ensemble Piacere
Bild Theater
Bild Theater
Bild Musik
Bild Theater
David Alexander, Arroyabe
Musikkapelle Mils
Musik Mils
Musik Mils
Musik Mils
Musik Mils
Publikum Mils
Krampus Mils
Sternsinger Mils
Kultur Mils
Musikkapelle Mils bei Imst in Concert
Frühjahrskonzert Schönwies
Honig im Kopf
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 18
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 18 Tirol West

Zams, Landeck and Fliess:
Culture and enjoyment region
with thousands of years of history

  • 18
Venetklang Fliess
Konzert Kirchenkonzert Monente Zams
Weihnachtszauber Cover
Oberländer Advent
Kerzen, Opferlichter
Museum Außen
Ein Engel in Nöten
Musik in Landeck
Ein Stimmer
Cäcilia Konzert
Kultur in Landeck
Kultur in Landeck
Kultur in Landeck
Kultur in Landeck
Kultur in Landeck
Musik in Landeck
Musik in Landeck
Kunst in Landeck
Kunst in Landeck
Kunst in Landeck
Musik in Landeck
Musik in Landeck
Musik in Landeck
Musik in Landeck
Musik in Landeck
Advent im Schloss Landeck, viel Brauchtum und Tradition
AK 1613
Archäologisches Museum
aus landeck
Generalversammlung Landeck Koga
Museen Fliess, Archiv TVB-Tirol West, Auer Erich
Kury Humus Band
Musikkapelle Zams, Christmette Kollreider
Keyvisual Fliess
Duo Öttl
Feuerwerk der Blasmusik
Header Galerie
Landeck Schloss Museum
Primavera 2011
Ruine Kronburg Zams
Ruine Kronburg Zams
Ruine Kronburg Zams
Ruine Kronburg Zams
Ruine Kronburg Zams
Bahn Theater
Konzert Rabenspiel
Blochziachn Tobadill
Landentwicklung, Dorferneuerung
Vocal Cube September
Festival Horizonte
Dialograum Kirche
Dialograum Kirche
Dialograum Kirche
Art and artists

Necessity is the mother of invention. Before the road over the Arlberg was reactivated, which had already existed in Roman times, and finally the railway and some industrial companies arrived, the region around Landeck was bitterly poor. Numerous children moved away as Swabian children. Maybe it was really because the Landeckers were always very creative, in general, but also artistically. Jakob Prandtauer and several other baroque master builders known beyond the borders came from the area. The region has also always been a good soil for artists. Chryseldis Hofer-Mitterer, Herbert Danler and Norbert Strolz unfortunately do not live anymore, but have left a lot in Landeck. Norbert Strolz was, in addition to his artistic activities, chairman of the District Museum Association in Landeck Castle. Herbert Danler is considered one of the founders of the Galerie Elefant. A number of artists from the Landeck area are also currently active: Georg and Arthur Salner, Michael Schneider, Alwin Chemelli, Norbert Pümpl, Erich Horvath, Christian Moschen, ... to name but a few. There are also several other exhibition locations beyond the Elefant Gallery: the Museum Gallery in Landeck Castle, the Town Hall Gallery in Landeck, the Gallery of Walter Stefan and Pepi Walch in Fliess. Last but not least, Gerald Kurdoglu Nitsche is active as gallery owner and organizer. So the creativity in the Landeck area is probably not only due to poverty.

Music at the highest level

In the Landeck area you can regularly hear music at the highest level. The first flutist of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra grew up in Landeck and organizes the annual music festival Horizons there. Also the Stadtmusikkapelle Landeck stands out once again from the already very high level of brass music in Tyrol. It is the oldest brass band in Tyrol and its repertoire also includes symphonic works, with which the ensemble even won a World Championship gold medal. For the 375th birthday of the ensemble the composer Johan de Meij, who was born in Holland and works in the USA, composed the monumental work "Via Claudia" and performed it for the first time with the orchestra. "Via Claudia" was also released on CD in America. Interested parties can obtain the work as part of a CD from the Stadtmusikkapelle and as an MP3 from the iTunes-Store, among others.

Architectural monuments, archaeological sites, art history

The Landeck area is rich in architectural monuments, archaeological excavations and cultural treasures. Since pre-Roman times, all sunny slopes around the district town have been inhabited: Stanz, Grin, Fliess... Above Fliess a burnt offering place was discovered, which was used before and during the Roman period. In the Museum Fliess, in the former Meßnerhaus, you can marvel at a number and quality of pre-Roman finds, which can otherwise only be found in museums of larger cities. Some churches are also very old. E.g. those of Fliess. The roots of the parish church in Landeck even go back to the 5th century, which confirms that Landeck was a Roman road station around which a settlement developed. It is no coincidence that the Tyrolean documentation centre Via Claudia Augusta is also located in Fliess, through which the Via Claudia Augusta von Landeck continues southwards. Around Landeck, three castles, the Kronburg, the ruins of Schrofenstein Castle and Landeck Castle, watch over the densely populated area and the thousand-year-old traffic junction. Bidenegg Castle follows in the direction of Reschen, in the upper part of the village of Fliess. In a room full of history, monuments and art history, there are of course restorers and art historians such as Dr. Habicher and Mrs. Mader.

Cultural centre and meeting place Castle Landeck

Slightly above the town is Landeck Castle, which first gave its name to the district and then also to the district town, which is made up of several independent towns. The castle is the seat of the district museum association and the museum association of the town. The latter has successively turned the castle into a multifunctional cultural centre and meeting place. Art has always been important in Landeck and the function of a gallery has been correspondingly important from the very beginning. The first chairman of the museum association, Norbert Strolz, was himself an active artist. He was followed by the wine dealer ... and with Albin Chemelli again an active artist. Under Eva Lunger, the renovation of the entire castle was completed and it increasingly developed into a general meeting place, beyond pure culture. The current management team under Christian Rudig continues this development. Today the castle houses a museum with several exhibitions, a gallery, serves continuously as a venue for cultural and other events, has a restaurant with an outdoor area and is generally a cultural meeting place. By the way, from the tower you also have a beautiful view of the city.

Tyrolean capital of the Via Claudia Augusta, Fliess

Fliess is the "capital" of the Via Claudia Augusta Tirol. Fliess was the starting point of the initiative to revive the Austrian Via Claudia Augusta, initially as a hiking route from Landeck to the Reschenpass. It is still today a part of the long-distance hiking route Via Claudia Augusta in the footsteps of the Romans, one of the most beautiful parts, especially from Landeck Castle via the Fliesser Platte to Fliess. The documentation centre of the Via Claudia Augusta in Tyrol and the headquarters of the Tyrolean Association Via Claudia Augusta are also located there. Vis-a-vis, the Archaeological Museum of Fliess inspires with a number and quality of pre-Roman finds, which are otherwise only found in larger towns. Above Fliess, a burnt offering place, which was used in pre-Roman and Roman times, the Kaunergrat Nature Park House and the Gache Blick are waiting to be discovered.


With... Krismer from Zams, Raoul Schrott, who was born in Landeck, and Prof. Gerald Kurdoglu Nitsche, Landeck also has interesting writers. Kurdoglu Nitsche, by the way, gave himself the second surname Kurdoglu in protest. He is also an editor with a focus on minority literature and a gallery owner.

Theatre and art

With the theatre stages in Zams, Fliess and Urgen the area at the Land Eck also has 3 theatre stages.


A creative space also usually has exciting personalities. One such was Oswald von Schrofenstein, for example, who was an influential aristocrat, was considered a great patron of the Landeck parish church and was very popular. Pastor Maaß from Fliess is even known to have been a saint. Furthermore, the current governor of Tyrol, Günther Platter, comes from the region. Before that he was mayor of Zams and minister in Vienna. Governor Platter is also a member of the Via Claudia Augusta Tirol association.

Delight region

The region around Landeck is the only dedicated region of pleasure along the Via Claudia Augusta. It has numerous specialities to offer. The best known are probably the fine brandies. With 100 distillers, the region is probably the richest in distillers. Most of them come from the sunny slopes between Stanz and Grins. Some of them are, as awards show, among the very best. Schnapps is distilled not least from the Stanzer Zwetschke, which is also appreciated as a particularly tasty fruit beyond the region. A selection of other fine products from the region are seedlings, herbal specialities or handmade chocolate. The products are offered, among other things, at a weekly fresh market. They can also be found more and more in the gastronomy. Josef "Seppl" Haueis from Zams, co-founder and gastronomer of the Tyrolean inn culture, has made a great contribution to this for decades. By the way, the inhabitants of the region particularly like to eat zochne Kiachl, Krautspätzle, Riebl, dumplings and meat from Tyrolean grey cattle and Tyrolean mountain lamb.

Festivals and customs

The Landeck area keeps its traditions alive. A traditional speciality is the breaking of windows. The distillation of schnapps should also be seen as a custom, which is the focus of the already traditional annual open day "Schnaps distils".

Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 19
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 19 Tiroler Oberland

Between Landeck and Altfinstermünz:
Several cultural centres

  • 19
Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Geschichte im Tiroler Oberland
Geschichte im Tiroler Oberland
Musik im Tiroler Oberland
Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Musik Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Heimatbühne Pfunds
Historik im Tiroler Oberland
Skulpturen aus dem Tiroler Oberland
Kunstwerk, Kuntausstellung
Live Konzert
Andi, Toni und Lisi
Cover Ausschnitt Winkelbühne, Wege mit dir
Oberland Märkte
Oberland Märkte
Oberland Märkte
Foto Schandweib klein
Herbstfest 2016 Pfunds TVB Tiroler Oberland, Kurt Kirschner
Herbstfest 2016 Pfunds TVB Tiroler Oberland, Kurt Kirschner
Herbstfest 2016 Pfunds TVB Tiroler Oberland, Kurt Kirschner
Logo Winklbühne Prutz Faggen
Musik Festival Prutz
Logo Winklbühne Prutz Faggen
Oberland Märkte
Theater Oberland
Theater Oberland
Musik im Oberland
Kultur im Oberland
Kulturverein Sigmundsried Graffiti
Kultur im Oberland
Skulpturenpark Pfunds
Skulpturenpark Pfunds
Steter Tropfen, Winklbühne Prutz Faggen
Theater Tösens
Theater Symbol
Winklbühne Steter Tropfen
Theater, Heimatbühne
Theater, Heimatbühne
Kunst und Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Kultur im Tiroler Oberland
Claus Aniballi im Weinberg
Ostergrab Liebfrauenkirche Pfunds
Raumpatroullie Orion Poster Dietmar Schönherr
Sascha Pedrazzoli
Van der Bellen Kaunertal
Cultural centre in Winkl at Prutz

The former farm "Beim Winkl" is the oldest house in the village. The core dates back to the 14th century. The building was given its present appearance in the 16th century. The municipality bought it and turned it into a multi-purpose house with an event centre. On the stage inside the house and in the open air the Winklbühne Prutz/Faggen, the most renowned stage in the region, which looks back on 100 years of history, plays regularly. The Winkl also regularly hosts art and other cultural events.

Cultural centre of the cultural association Sigmundsried

Sigmundsried Castle developed directly on the successor road to the Roman road in the southern part of the town centre. It was the seat of the court until Landeck took over this role for the communities between Prutz and Pfunds, and gave the region its historical name, "Obres G'richt". Today Sigmundsried is the seat of the Sigmundsried cultural association with several sections, which runs a cultural event centre with a small bar there. Chairman Sascha Pedrazzoli, himself a musician, is in charge of the music section, Christoph Mathoy of the fine arts and Deputy Chairman Günter Patscheider of the music section. The local theatre association also has its home in the castle.

Living mining history

The region has a great mining history. The centre was the smallest community on the valley floor today, Tösens. Until the 20th century ore was mined in the Platzer and Berglertal between Tösens and Pfunds. The mining reached up to 3000 meters above sea level and is therefore the highest in all of Tyrol. The high altitude meant that mining had to be discontinued for 250 years in 1610 because the Bergler-Ferner spread more and more during the small ice age. Some years ago the Platzertal Mine Association under Christian Sturm took up the history of mining and began to renovate the mining facilities and make them accessible to the public.

Theatre and art

There are 11 theatre stages in the communities of the uppermost Tyrolean Inn Valley and Kaunertal with its 10,000 inhabitants: Urgen, Prutz-Faggen, Kauns, Ried im Oberinntal, Ladis, Fiss, Serfaus, Tösens, Pfunds, Nauders. The most renowned stage is the Winkl Stage Prutz-Faggen, which looks back on a 100-year history and regularly performs on stage in the Winkl Cultural Centre and in the open air. The numerous stages are also used for cabaret, music, readings, ... readings, ...


The uppermost Tyrolean Inn Valley and the Kaunertal Valley not only have an active music band in every community. There is also an active music scene. Chairman Sascha Pedrazzoli, himself a musician, regularly organises a varied music programme in the cultural centre of the Sigmundsried cultural association. Julia Schmitzberger from Pfunds enlivens the music scene as a music teacher, versatile musician, singer, composer and always new musical paths. With the Pfundskerlen, the region is also home to a well-known band whose repertoire ranges from folk music to hits, rock and pop.

Modern art

Contemporary and modern music is also at home in several places in the Upper G'richt. There are regular exhibitions in the two cultural centres, in the Winkl House in Prutz and in Sigmundsrie Castle, among others. Furthermore in the Rechlerhaus in Ladis and in Altfinstermünz. In addition to painters, Reinhard Thöni, a wood and stone sculptor, also works in the region.

Monuments and art history

The Upper Inn Valley has many castles, which line up along the old road or its side roads: Bidenegg Castle in the upper part of Fliess; Berneck Castle at the entrance to the Kaunertal Valley and on the road over the Piller; Laudegg Castle in Ladis, above the Via Claudia Augusta and on the old road over the sun terrace above the valley; the old court seat Sigmundsried Castle, the fortification of the customs station Altfinstermünz, founded in the Middle Ages, at the bridge over the Inn, ... Among churches, St. Georg above Toesen is worth mentioning, which is also worth seeing inside.

People and personalities

2 of the most famous "children" of the Upper Tyrolean Inn Valley are Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen and Dietmar Schönherr. The Federal President grew up in the Kaunertal Valley. Dietmar Schönherr is best known for his leading role in the science fiction television series "Space Patrol - The Fantastic Adventures of the Starship Orion". But he also hosted the then innovative television show "Wünsch Dir was". By far the most important part of his life's work, however, was his commitment to social and cultural projects in Nicaragua. Schönherr was also active as a radio announcer, dubbing artist, pop singer, writer, translator and director and was co-founder of the Tyrolean Volksschauspiel.

Food and drinks

The uppermost Tyrolean Inn Valley and the Kaunertal are still relatively agricultural. The farmers produce traditional, new and revitalized: One of the flagships is certainly the Fisser barley. On the numerous alpine pastures, some of the cattle are still raised and milked and alpine cheese is produced, which may only be called Almkäse if it is also made from alpine milk. Another cheese speciality is the grey cheese, which is produced in Ried, for example. In Prutz apricots are cultivated on a larger scale. In Prutz and Pfunds there are vineyards again. In the Tyrolean Oberland one already knows the Schüttelbrot, which is especially widespread in the South Tyrol bordering to the south. Of course it is called Obergrichtler Schüttelbrot. Old breeds of domestic animals from natural small-scale farming also provide tasty and substantial beef and mutton. More and more bacon is also being produced from farm pigs. Typical dishes are by the way Zochne Kiachl, Krautspätzle, Riebl, dumplings, Gerstlsuppe or the Schledennocken from Pfunds. Besides markets and farm shops there is also a farmer's land in Pfunds.

Schnapps and Wine

For some years now, Prutz has been back to viticulture, currently the highest quality winery in Austria. Claus Aniballi swears by the green Veltliner, which he calls "Weißgipfler" in Tyrolean tradition. In nearby Pfunds an even higher vineyard was established. Traditionally, the Upper Court is a schnapps stronghold, with distillery greats such as Gerhard Maass, Klaudia & Heinz Kofler (all Prutz) or Peter Gspan (Pfunds).

Festivals and customs

The most famous custom in the upper Inn valley is probably the Blochziehen, one of the most traditional carnival customs. Its stronghold is Fiss, whose Blochziehen even counts among the immaterial cultural heritage of the Unesco. For 500 years the Heiliggrab brothers in Pfunds have been worshipping the Easter grave in the Liebfrauenkirche, which is also worth seeing, 24 hours a day at Easter. The region is also still a very agricultural one, with several original Almabtriebe, in the course of which also the Schafschoad (shearing of the sheep) takes place. Special festivals are the apple festival in Prutz, the Rieder autumn market or the three-country market in Pfunds. In Ladis and Altfinstermünz there is also an annual medieval festival.

Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 20
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 20 Reschen

The Reschen Pass:
Tradition and cosmopolitanism
on the roof of the historic route

  • 20
Kuh, Hirtin
Dorf, Wiese
Festung Nauders
Konzert Roland Kaiser
Kultur Nauders
Logo Theaterverein
Musik Almfest
Kultur, Brauchtum, Tradition
Schloss Naudersberg
Theater Nauders
Theater Nauders
Theater Nauders
Tirol Werbung
Classico Nauders
Classico Nauders
Classico Nauders
Festung Nauders
Naudererhof, gerzARTig Logo
Historical customs station Altfinstermünz

The customs station Altfinstermünz with its striking bridge tower was founded in the Middle Ages. Already in Roman times there was a bridge on the Via Augusta at the same place. In 1856 the construction of the Reschenstraße was completed, which, partly further developed, still connects Pfunds and Nauders today. Up to that time, all traffic led across the bridge from Altfinstermünz and then through the gorge up to Nauders. Only a few decades ago Altfinstermünz was still inhabited. Then the fortress ensemble threatened to fall into complete ruin. Thanks to the Altfinstermünz Association under Nauders former mayor Hermann Klapeer this did not happen. He renovated piece by piece and breathed new life into it. This includes a permanent exhibition, rooms for temporary exhibitions, a simple catering, ...

Oldtimer Classic Nauders

Every year the Classic Nauders brings together historic cars and their enthusiasts in the village of Reschenpass.

The roof of the Via Claudia Augusta is a special place that inspires. It can be seen, for example, along the old road between Nauders and the Reschenpass, which largely corresponds to the Via Claudia Augusta and is now the cycle route. Art is displayed along the narrow road. In Nauders, a painting circle meets every week, to which everyone can join. Art is also at home with the hosts at Reschenpass. GrenzARTig, for example, is an initiative launched by the Kleinhans family in and around their Alpin Art & Spa Hotel Naudererhof. Every year artists and art lovers are invited to the Art and Enjoyment Festival for one week, which shows what the border region of Obergricht (A), Vinschgau (I), Engadin (CH) has to offer in the way of art, culture and culinary delights.

Historical customs station Altfinstermünz
Fortress Nauders, the northernmost fortress of the Habsburg Empire to the south
Naudersberg Castle
Leonhardskapelle directly on the old pass road near Naudersberg Castle (already mentioned in 1391)
Portals and baptismal font of the parish church in Nauders
War memorial in Nauders
Church tower of the parish church of Altgraun in Reschensee

People and personalities

The inhabitants of this area are considered to be rather reserved and stubborn, but also true to line and consistent.
Norbert Pleifer, with "his" greenhouse" driving the alternative Innsbruck cultural scene, comes from Nauders on the Reschenpass. With Dr. Hans Tschiggfrey, the community also produced a Tyrolean governor. In addition, Michael Ploner, a multiple medal winner at international cooking competitions and team member of the Austrian world champion team 2018, comes from Nauders.

Food and drinks

Michael Ploner from Nauders is a multiple medal winner at national, international and worldwide cooking championships. Among other things he won 2 x gold at the Culinary Olympics 2016 and was part of the Austrian World Champion team in 2018. 

At the Reschenpass, people like to eat Zochne Kiachl, Krautspätzle, local beef and lamb, Riebl and dumplings.

Sheep Shoad in Nauders
Medieval festival in Altfinstermünz

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
at the Bavarian Danube, at the Ries crater, at the Swabian Alp, at the beginning of the Lech valley and the Lechrain

belong to:

  • City Donauwörth, Topfheim, Asbach-Bäumenheim, Genderkingen, Niederschönfeld, Mertingen, Oberndorf am Lech, City Rain, Münster, Holzheim and beyond
  • the whole Lankreis Donau-Ries
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 21
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 21 Oberer Vinschgau

Upper Venosta Valley
One town centre more beautiful
than the other

  • 21
Architekt Arnold Gapp
Architekt Arnold Gapp Versuchsfeld Schluderns
Architekt Christian Kasteller
Architekt Christian Kasteller Dorfladen Burgeis
Architekt Schluderns Vinschgau
Big Band Mals
Big Band Mals in Dornbirn
Bunkerführung Mals
Chöre Mals
Filzen Matscher Bäurin Veronika Tiolahof
Filzen Matscher Bäurin Veronika Tiolahof
Flora Ausstellung Glurns
Ghosttown live Prad
Glurnser Advent
Glurnser Advent
Glurnser Advent
Glurnser Advent
Glurnser Mauer Flora
Glurns Konzert
Glurns Kunst Hauswand
Glurns Musik
Gollimarkt Mals
Gollimarkt Mals
Herz Jesu
Jugendkapelle Mals
Klosn Stilfs
Klosn Stilfs
Kloster Marienberg
Kloster Marienberg
Kloster Marienberg
Kloster Marienberg
Kloster Marienberg
Kloster Marienberg Wein
Kloster Marienberg Wein
Konzert In Glurns
Konzert In Mals
Konzert Platz Glurns
Konzert Platz Glurns
Konzert Prad
Kornkammer Vinschgau
Kornkammer Vinschgau
Kulturgasthof Tschengels
Kunst Marmor Bildhauer Arbeit Laas
Kunst Glurns
Kunst Prad
Laubenmarkt Glurns
Laubenmarkt Glurns
Mai Inschnellen Prad
Marienblütensingen Tschengels
Matthias Markt Prad
Musik Glurns
Musikkapelle Glurns
Musikkapelle Mals
Musikkapelle Schluderns
Musikschule Mals
Nacht Der Kultur Glurns
Oubrwind Mals Theater
Palabirnen Markt Glurns
Paul Flora Gespräch Mit Den Raben
Paul Flora Karrikaturen Haymon Verlag
Plakat St Veith Mark Tartsch
Popchor Konzert Mals
Portrait Paul Flora Geboren In Glurns
Ritterspiele Churburg
Ritterspiele Churburg
Ritterspiele Schluderns
Schafschoad Langtaufers
Schafschoad Langtaufers
Sealamorkt Glurns
Sealamorkt Glurns
Sehenswürdigkeit Schluderns Haflinger Vinschgau
Sehenswürdigkeit Burgruine Lichtenberg Sonne Vinschgau
Sehenswürdigkeit St. Benedikt Kirche Mals Führungen
Single Malt Whisky Puni
Single Malt Whisky Puni
St. Veith Markt Tartsch
Tiroler Tage Plakat Glurns
Zusslrennen Prad
Zusslrennen Prad

The Via Claudia Augusta not only connected places through which it passed. The first trans-European road across the Alps connected regions across Europe, just as it still does today as a connecting cultural road.

To the corridor of the Via Claudia Augusta
at the Bavarian Danube, at the Ries crater, at the Swabian Alp, at the beginning of the Lech valley and the Lechrain

belong to:

  • City Donauwörth, Topfheim, Asbach-Bäumenheim, Genderkingen, Niederschönfeld, Mertingen, Oberndorf am Lech, City Rain, Münster, Holzheim and beyond
  • the whole Lankreis Donau-Ries
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 22
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 22 Schlanders Laas

Schlanders and Laas
the heart of the

  • 22
Advent Schlanders
Architekt Walter Dietl
Architekt Walter Dietl
Architekt Walter Dietl
Armin Joos Marmor
Armin Joos Marmor
Armin Joos Marmor
Buch Michael Höllrigl Marmor
Bürgerkapelle Schlanders
Chor Schlanders
Friedrich Gurschler Marmor
Herz Jesu
Jörg Hofer 50 Georg Tappeiner
Karl Grasser Marmor
Kastanien braten
Kinder Trommel Laas
Kirchenchor Laas
Kunst Schlanders
Kunst Schlanders
Maria Namen Feier Schlanders
Marmoorführung Laas
Marmoorführung Laas
Marmoorführung Laas
Marmoorführung Laas
Marmor Laas
Marmor und Marillen
Musikkapelle Laas
Musikkapelle Schlanders
Palabira Sunta
Scheibenschlagen Schlanders Laas
Scheibenschlagen Schlanders Laas
Silvester Schlanders
Wenske Spänle Marmor
Theater Laas
Wenske Spänle Marmor
Wenske Spänle Marmor
Wenske Spänle Marmor
Architektur Raikadurchgang Kirchturmspitze Schlanders
Laas Klassische Musik
Theater Laas
Theater Schlanders
Vinschger Apfel
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 23
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 23 Talenge

Goldrain, Latsch
and Kastelbell

  • 23
Schloss bei Nacht mit Beleuchtung
Architekt Werner Tscholl Latsch Bürobau
Architekt Werner Tscholl Latsch Schülerheim Fürstenburg
Beeren Martell
Beeren Martell
Benefiz Konzert Klavier Latsch
Bühne Kastebell Tschars
Chor Latsch
Garten Genussmarkt Kastelbell
Goldrein Jodelt
Heidelbeeren Martell
Herz Jesu Vinsgau
Herz Jesu Vinsgau
Kastelbell Wein
Londsproch Markt Goldrain
Marteller Weihnachtsmarkt
Musikkapelle Kastebell
Musikkapelle Latsch
Musik Tschars
Spargel Kastebell Blickle
Spargel Kastebell
Spargel Wein Kastebell
Theater Latsch
Theater Latsch
Trauben Weingläser Kastebell
Tuifllauf Latsch
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 24
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 24 Unterer Vinschgau

The Lower Vinschgau Valley
Naturns, Plaus, Rabland
and Partschins

  • 24
Eingang Prokulusmuseum
Fresko Prokuluskirche
Fresko Prokuluskirche
Fresko Prokuluskirche
Hotel Architektur Partschins
Kastanien Runde Partschins
Kirche Partschins
Konzert Musikkapelle Naturns
Kunst Design Naturns
Kunst Partschins
Kunst und Genussmarkt Partschins
Musikkapelle Naturns
Musikkapelle Partschins
naturns Lacht
naturns Lacht
Tradition, Herz Jesu, Naturns
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 25
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 25 Algund, Meran, Marling

At the old
Adige bridge in Algund,
Marling and Meran

  • 25
Konzerte Kurhaus Meran
Kunst Algund
Kunst Meran
Kunst Meran Ausstellung
Mark Forster In Meran
Meraner Festspiele
Musikkapelle Algund
Musik Meran
Musik Meran
Pfarrkirche Algund
Pfarrkirche Algund Fenster
Pfarrkirche Algund Inneres
Schlüssel Kulturhotel Algund
Stadttheater Meran
Stadttheater Meran
Theater Algund
Trauttmansdorffer Thronsessel
Bild Natur
Festsaal Foto Merano Wine Festival
Initiator Motor Foto Merano Wine Festival
Kurhaus Foto Merano Wine Festival
Stadt Ausflaggung Foto Merano Wine Festival
Weinglas Verkostung Ausflaggung Foto Merano Wine Festival
Weinverkostung Foto Merano Wine Festival
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 26
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 26 Meran, Bozen

The "Burggrafenamt"
Meran and Bozen

  • 26
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 27
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 27 Bozen

capital of South Tyrol
on the suspect Pons Drusi

  • 27
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 28
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 28 Südtirols Süden

The south of South Tyrol
Castelfeder, Endidae and
the wine route

  • 28
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 29
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 29 Piana Rotaliana

The Piana Rotaliana:
the fertile wine plain
on the linguistic border

  • 29
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 30
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 30 Val Di Cembra

The upper Valley of Val di Cembra,
the Piné Plateau,
wine and lakes

  • 30
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 31a
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 31a Trento

Roman traffic junction

  • 31a
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 32a
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 32a Obere Valsugana

Upper Valsugana:
Lively theatre, concert
and art scene

Arte Castel Pergine
Arte Castel Pergine
Arte Castel Pergine
Arte Pergine
banda Sociale Pergine
Concerto Pergine Valsugana
Concerto Pergine Valsugana
Concerto Pergine Valsugana
Concerto Pergine Valsugana
Galeria Pergine Valsugana
Manifesto Giovani Teatro
Pergine Afriaca
Pink Floyd Pergine Valsugana
Stagione Teatrale Pergine Valsugana
Stagione Teatrale Pergine Valsugana
Teatro Comunale Di Pergine
Teatro Comunale Di Pergine
Teatro Pergine
Teatro Pergine
Teatro Pergine
Teatro Pergine
Teatro Pergine
Teatro Pergine Dall Esterno
XXVII Rassegna Antichi Organi e Strumenti Della Valsugana Pergine
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 33a
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 33a Mittlere Valsugana

Lower Valsugana:
Land Art Park "Arte Sella"
Living theatre and concert stages

Arte Sella
Arte Sella
Arte Sella
Arte Sella
Teatr Figli Delle Stelle
Locandina Ospedaletto
Manifesto Castelnuovo
Quando LAcqua Incontra
Rasegna Corale
Stagione Teatrale Valsugana Orientale
Teatro Bambini Castelnuovo
Teatro Del Centro Scolastico Di Borgo Valsugana
Teatro Grigno
Teatro Limbiate
Teatro Limbiate
Teatro Limbiate
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 34a
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 34a Vor den Dolomiten

Before the Dolomites:
Tradition, contemporary and modern art with
Open-air culture

  • 34a
Arte Di Strada Tesino
Canti Popolari Castello Tesino
Canti Popolari Del Tesino Trato Marzo
Concerti Pieve Tesino
Concerto Castello Tesino
Concerto Nella Natura Tesino
Coro Lagorai
Giardino D Europa Dall Alto Tesino
museo sculture simposio palazzo gallo castello tesino
per via museo stampe tesine pieve tesino archivio apt valsugana
Teatro Castello Tesino
Teatro Castello Tesino
Maio Lamon
Concerto Rifugio Croce D Aune
Coro Sovramonte
Fagiolo Lamon
Faller Pom Prussian
Forlin Silvio - Fine Raccolta
festa del pom prussian faller 2017
Forlin Silvio - Fine Raccolta
osteria ponte serra
pecora di Lamon
ponte romano
Sorriva Chiesa San Giorgio
Teatro Sorvamonte
Übersichtskarte Teilabschnitt 35a
Übersichtskarte rechts Teilabschnitt 35a Feltre Pedavena Cesiomaggiore Santa Giustina

The Feltrino:
Thousands of years old settlement site
Tradition and broad contemporary culture